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Composite pairing in the new “high Tc” Heavy Fermion Superconductors
Piers Coleman Rutgers University
PIRSA:09040021 -
Characterization of the Dilute, Dipolar-Coupled, Ising Magent LiHo_xY_{1-x}F4 through Specific Heat and AC Susceptibility Measurements
Jan Kycia University of Waterloo
PIRSA:09040022 -
Physics of the Disorder-Induced Zero Bias Anomaly in Strongly-Correlated Systems
Bill Atkinson Trent University
PIRSA:09040023 -
Quantum Device Theory at the University of Waterloo
Frank Wilhelm Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:09040025 -
Unconventional Pairing and Impurities in Superfluid Helium-3
Bill Halperin Northwestern University
PIRSA:09040026 -
Monte Carlo Simulations of the Interaction Between a Self-Avoiding Polymer and a Membrane
Jeffrey Chen University of Waterloo
PIRSA:09040028 -
Superfluid to Band Insulator Transition of Cold Fermionic Atoms
Arun Paramekanti University of Toronto
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 3
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:09030031 -
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 2
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:09030030 -
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 1
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Ten Theses on Black Hole Entropy
Rafael Sorkin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
LQG Black Holes
Leonardo Modesto Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Unitarity and Holography in Gravitational Physics
Donald Marolf University of California, Santa Barbara
Black holes, fundamental destruction of information and conservation laws
Jonathan Oppenheim University College London
Resolving the information paradox: the fuzzball proposal
Samir Mathur Ohio State University
Black Hole Information - What's the Problem?
Sabine Hossenfelder Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Matrix models for the black hole information paradox
Takuya Okuda University of Tokyo
Schwarzschild radius and black hole thermodynamics with alpha' corrections from simulations of SUSY matrix quantum mechanics
Jun Nishimura High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String 10A
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String 9B
Alex Buchel Western University
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Alex Buchel Western University
Quantum Mechanics 12 - How Atoms Emit and Absorb Photons
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08080087 -
Quantum Mechanics 11 - De Broglie Waves Are Complex
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08080086 -
Special Relativity 10 - Coordinate Axes and Length Contraction
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08080069 -
Special Relativity 11 - Simultaneity and Length Contraction
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08080070 -
Introduction to Quantum Gravity
Daniele Oriti Complutense University of Madrid
Emergent gravity: lessons from two models
Lorenzo Sindoni Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Black hole entropy in Loop Quantum Gravity
Enrique Fernandez-Borja University of Valencia
Supersymmetric U(1)\' Models
Gil Paz Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Introduction to Quantum Information
Jonathan Walgate University of Waterloo
P.I. Chats: Faster-than-light neutrinos?
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Natalia Toro Stanford University
The World as a Hologram?
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
Robert Myers Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:09020042 -
Our Quirky Quantum World
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
Raymond Laflamme Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Why I care
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
SIC Triple Products
Marcus Appleby Queen Mary - University of London (QMUL)
Seeking Symmetries of SIC-POVMs
Markus Grassl Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Quantum state tomography from yes/no measurements
Martin Roetteler NEC Laboratories America (Princeton)
Unitary design: bounds on their size
Andrew Scott Griffith University
Culs-de-sac and open ends
David Gross Universität zu Köln
SICs, Convex Cones, and Algebraic Sets
Howard Barnum University of New Mexico
What will future dark energy experiments tell us?
Andreas Albrecht University of California, Davis
Cosmology with 21cm sky
Ue-Li Pen Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
Tzu-Ching Chang National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Observational Evidence for Massive Gravity
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
New CMB results
Richard Bond Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
Jon Sievers McGill University - Department of Physics
Mike Nolta Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
The Theory of Duration and Clocks
Julian Barbour University of Oxford
Why Constructive Relativity Fails
John Norton University of Pittsburgh
Philosophical Theories of Time meet Quantum Gravity
Phil Dowe University of Queensland
Thinking Inside the Box: Weakly Measuring Postselected Ensembles
Aephraim Steinberg University of Toronto
Relational time and intrinsic decoherence.
Gerard Milburn University of Queensland
Introduction: Science in the 21st Century
Sabine Hossenfelder Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
PIRSA:08090055 -
Talking to My Dog about Science: Weblogs and Public Outreach
Chad Orzel Uncertain Principles
PIRSA:08090026 -
Blogs, Wikis, MathML: Scientific Communication
Jacques Distler The University of Texas at Austin
PIRSA:08090027 -
The Future is a Foreign Country: Science Publishing in the 21st Century
Timo Hannay Springer Nature Group
PIRSA:08090030 -
The evolution of scholarly communication and the supreme power of inertia
Andrew Odlyzko University of Minnesota
Ultimate Explanations, Turtles and the Nature of the Laws of Physics
Paul Davies Arizona State University
Science in a Very Large Universe ; The Classical Multiverse of the No-Boundary Quantum State
James Hartle University of California, Santa Barbara
What is the Multiverse?
Laura Mersini-Houghton University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Probability in the Many-Worlds Interpretation
David Albert Columbia University
Multiversal Pictures: Science and Signs of Other Universes
Rudy Vaas University of Giessen
The Lonely Multiverse of Holographic cosmology
Tom Banks Rutgers University
From the LHC to the Multiverse
Gordon Kane University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium April 23, 2009. -
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT -
Black Holes and Quantum Physics - 2009
Black Holes and Quantum Physics Workshop will bring together experts on this subject. A relaxed and informal setting will allow for productive exchange of ideas. -
Introduction to the Bosonic String
This course provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. We introduce central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. We discuss string interactions and cover the tree-level and one loop amplitudes. More advanced topics such as T-duality and D-branes will be taught as part of the course. -
ISSYP Virtual
Here is your opportunity to experience, online, select content from Perimeter Institute's highly successful two-week International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP). While we could reach up to 100 "young physicists" per year with our onsite ISSYP camps, our Virtual ISSYP opens up this fantastic learning experience for all to enjoy. The Virtual ISSYP is intended for students, teachers and anyone interested in learning more about the wonders of modern physics and the excitement of research and discovery at the frontiers of knowledge. -
Young Researchers Conference 2008
This conference provides an opportunity for invited young physicists to experience the dynamic environment and research opportunities offered to Postdoctoral Fellows pursuing their research careers at Perimeter Institute. -
Black Hole Science Cafes
The "Black Hole Science Cafes" are a rebirth of Perimeter Institute's highly successful "Black Hole Sessions," which provided an opportunity for members of the community interested in the exciting research happening at PI to engage in informal discussions with researchers and members of the PI Outreach Team. To learn about fascinating, cutting edge ideas about how our universe works - as revealed by theoretical physics - and ask questions of PI researchers. The Cafes will continue this tradition but will be made available to a worldwide audience through the PI website. The Cafes consist of a 20 minute introduction to a chosen topic by Dr. Richard Epp of the PI Outreach Team, followed by a 40 minute Question and Answer session, possibly featuring a PI researcher specializing in that topic. -
Seeking SICs: A Workshop on Quantum Frames and Designs - 2008
This workshop is organized with the hope of making significant progress to the question: the question of the existance of minimal symmetric informationally-complete (SIC) sets of pure quantum states. -
PI CITA Joint Cosmology Day - 2008
The goals of this meeting are to share new ideas and encourage interation in our common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussions. -
The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations - 2008
The Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations -
Science in the 21st Century - 2008
Science in the 21st Century -
A Debate in Cosmology:The Multiverse - 2008
A Debate in Cosmology: The Multiverse