Format results
AI methods for quantum circuit transpiling and optimization
David Kremer Garcia
Beyond the Podium: Strategies for Outreach Presentations
Ashley McCarl Palmer Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Damian Pope Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
How much entanglement is needed for quantum error correction?
Dongjin Lee Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Article editing workshop - Grad Student Seminar Series
Emily Petroff Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Maya Berger Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mixed-state quantum anomaly and multipartite entanglement
Leonardo Lessa Perimeter Institute
Effect of non-unital noise on random circuit sampling
Kohdai Kuroiwa Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Reflecting boundary conditions in numerical relativity as a model for black hole echoes
Conner Dailey Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Vortex lines and dg-shifted Yangians
Tudor Dimofte University of Edinburgh
Magnetic Quivers and Phase Diagrams in 6 dimensions
Amihay Hanany Imperial College London
The Gaudin model in the Deligne category Rep $GL_t$
Leonid Rybnikov -
Quantization of the universal centralizer and central D-modules
Tom Gannon University of California, Los Angeles
Askey-Wilson algebra, Chern-Simons theory and link invariants
Meri Zaimi Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Late-time signals from binary black hole mergers
Marina de Amicis -
Forming truncated accretion disks
Gibwa Musoke -
The dynamics of dRGT massive gravity
Jan Kożuszek Imperial College London
Nano-Hz Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Its implications and promises
Achamveedu Gopakumar Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Geometric algebra techniques in flux compactifications
Calin Lazaroiu Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Hot spacetime for cold atoms
Allan Adams Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Introduction to AdS/CFT with Flavour
Rene Meyer Max-Planck Gesellschaft
Abelian fibrations, string junctions and Flux/Geometry duality
Peng Gao ExodusPoint Capital
Near-integrability of 2+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theories
Peter Orland City University of New York (CUNY) - Department of Physics
Why there is (almost) nothing rather than something? On the cosmological constant problem.
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman University of Wrocław
PIRSA:24110066 -
A correspondence between quantum error correcting codes and quantum reference frames
Fabio MelePIRSA:24110063 -
Gauge theories and boundaries: from superselection to soft modes and memory
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Observables, Hilbert Spaces and Entropies from the Gravitational Path Integral
Eugenia Colafranchesci -
Model spaces as constrained Hamiltonian systems
Glenn Barnich Université Libre de Bruxelles
Estimating Quantum Gravity Corrections Near Black Holes
Ben Freivogel Universiteit van Amsterdam
From nonlocality transitivity to resource marginal problems and back
Yeong-Cherng Liang National Cheng Kung University
Quantum Foundations SeminarBayesian learning of Causal Structure and Mechanisms with GFlowNets and Variational Bayes
Mizu Nishikawa-Toomey Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
s-ordered phase-space correspondences, fermions, and negativities
Ninnat Dangniam Naresuan University
Nonclassicality in correlations without causal order
Ravi Kunjwal Aix-Marseille University
Energy and speed bound in GPTs - VIRTUAL
Lorenzo Giannelli University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Machine Learning Renormalization Group (VIRTUAL)
Yi-Zhuang You University of California, San Diego
Scaling Limits of Bayesian Inference with Deep Neural Networks
Boris Hanin Princeton University
Measure Transport Perspectives on Sampling, Generative Modeling, and Beyond
Michael Albergo New York University (NYU)
Neural-network quantum states for ultra-cold Fermi gases
Jane Kim Ohio University
Scalar and Grassmann Neural Network Field Theory
Anindita Maiti Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Illuminating the 130 GeV Gamma Line with Continuum Photons
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
Towards Matter Inflation in Heterotic String Theory
Sebastian Halter Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
The Eddington Limit in Cosmic Rays
Aristotle Socrates Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Resonant Tunneling in Superfluid Helium-3
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Resource dependence relations
Yìlè Yīng Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Holographic quantum tasks in the static patch
Victor Franken École Polytechnique
Strings Group Meeting
These talks are informal discussion in the area of Superstring Theory. Formal talks are part of the Strings Seminar series above -
Particle Group Meeting
This series consists of talks in the area of Condensed Matter. -
Cosmology Talks
This series consists of discussions in the areas of Cosmology and Particle Physics.