Video URL Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization
Wan, Y. (2025). Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Wan, Yidun. Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Feb. 11, 2025,
@misc{ scivideos_PIRSA:25020036, doi = {10.48660/25020036}, url = {}, author = {Wan, Yidun}, keywords = {Quantum Fields and Strings}, language = {en}, title = {Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization}, publisher = {Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics}, year = {2025}, month = {feb}, note = {PIRSA:25020036 see, \url{}} }
Yidun Wan Fudan University
In this talk, we develop a systematic framework for understanding symmetries in topological phases in \(2+1\) dimensions using the string-net model, encompassing both gauge symmetries that preserve anyon types and global symmetries permuting anyon types, including both invertible symmetries describable by groups and noninvertible symmetries described by categories. As an archetypal example, we reveal the first noninvertible categorical gauge symmetry of topological orders in \(2+1\) dimensions: the Fibonacci gauge symmetry of the doubled Fibonacci topological order, described by the Fibonacci fusion \(2\)-category. Our approach involves two steps: first, establishing duality between different string-net models with Morita equivalent input UFCs that describe the same topological order; and second, constructing symmetry transformations within the same string-net model when the dual models have isomorphic input UFCs, achieved by composing duality maps with isomorphisms of degrees of freedom between the dual models.