Format results
Why is time always moving forwards and never backwards?
Marina Cortes Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Cosmos, the beginnings...
Ghazal Geshnizjani Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18070060 -
Can Quantum Correlations be Explained Causally?
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Overview Video for IFWIS
PIRSA:16040112 -
Inspiring Future Women in Science 2016 - Panel Discussion
PIRSA:16040110 -
Inspiring Future Women in Science - Keynote Sage Franch
PIRSA:16040109 -
Inspiring Future Women in Science Natalie Panek Keynote
Marie Strickland Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Poster Presentation for ISSYP 2015
PIRSA:15070083 -
ISSYP Keynote Lecture
Toughest Student Questions: Dr. David Marsh
PIRSA:15070074 -
Keynote: What's the latest on the LHC?
PIRSA:15070072 -
Keynote: Soap, Water, and Gravity
Life as a Physicist
Natalia Toro Stanford University
Philip Schuster Stanford University
PIRSA:14070027 -
Can Quantum Correlations be Explained Causally?
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:14070026 -
Life as a Physicist
Natalia Toro Stanford University
Philip Schuster Stanford University
PIRSA:12070008 -
From the Higgs to the Heavens: Physics of the Large Hadron Collider
Natalia Toro Stanford University
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:12070006 -
String Theory and Holography
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
What is the Universe Made Of? The Case for Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Cliff Burgess McMaster University
Meet a Scientist - Prof. Robert Brandenberger
Robert Brandenberger McGill University - Department of Physics
Meet a Scientist - Dr. Jean-Luc Lehners
Jean-Luc Lehners Self Employed
Meet a Scientist - Dr. Olivier Dore
Olivier Dore National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Meet a Scientist - Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein University of New Hampshire
Meet a Scientist - Prof. Neta A. Bahcall
Neta Bahcall Princeton University
Meet a Scientist - Christopher Fuchs
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Meet a Scientist - Prof. Sumit R. Das
Sumit Das University of Kentucky
Meet a Scientist - Prof. Alessandra Buonanno
Alessandra Buonanno Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: Why doesn't the moon fall down?
PIRSA:12030124 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: How does a flashlight work?
PIRSA:12030127 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: How can atoms exist?
PIRSA:12030129 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: Can we travel through time?
PIRSA:12030126 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: Why is it dark at night?
PIRSA:12030130 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: Is that star really there?
PIRSA:12030125 -
Alice and Bob in Wonderland: Where does energy come from?
Mesoscopic Manifold
PIRSA:11100108 -
The Pure and Reversible Pictures of Quantum Mechanics
Giulio Chiribella University of Hong Kong (HKU)
The Intersection of the Arts and Science
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:11100103 -
The applications of symmetry in physics
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Life as a Physicist
Sarah Croke University of Glasgow
Roger Colbeck University of York
PIRSA:11080149 -
What is String Theory?
Jaume Gomis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
From the Biggest Things to the Biggest Bang
Louis Leblond Pennsylvania State University
Inspiring Future Women in Science Conference
Inspiring Future Women in Science Conference -
Conceptual Gems of Theoretical Physics
This workshop introduced artists to some of the most fruitful concepts in modern theoretical physics, with an emphasis on concepts that are infrequently discussed in public discussions of physics. The goal of this workshop was to provide an intimate conceptual experience of modern physics that would enable the artists to build these ideas into original artworks. The day was structured to create an intensely collaborative and creative atmosphere. -