Format results
Ultraslow dynamics, fragile fragmentation, and geometric group theory
Ethan Lake University of California, Berkeley
Scattering Amplitudes and Tilings of Moduli Spaces
Nick Early Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Phase transitions out of quantum Hall states in moire bilayers
Senthil Todadri Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Asymptotic structure and the characterisation of gravitational
Jose Senovilla University of the Basque Country
Cauchy Characteristic Matching
Sizheng Ma Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Title: Braid group, Askey-Wilson algebra and centralizers of U_q(sl_2)
Meri Zaimi Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Machine learning feature discovery of spinon Fermi surface
With rapid progress in simulation of strongly interacting quantum Hamiltonians, the challenge in characterizing unknown phases becomes a bottleneck for scientific progress. We demonstrate that a Quantum-Classical hybrid approach (QuCl) of mining the projective snapshots with interpretable classical machine learning, can unveil new signatures of seemingly featureless quantum states. The Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a honeycomb lattice with bond-dependent frustrated interactions presents an ideal system to test QuCl. The model hosts a wealth of quantum spin liquid states: gapped and gapless Z2 spin liquids, and a chiral spin liquid (CSL) phase in a small external magnetic field. Recently, various simulations have found a new intermediate gapless phase (IGP), sandwiched between the CSL and a partially polarized phase, launching a debate over its elusive nature. We reveal signatures of phases in the model by contrasting two phases pairwise using an interpretable neural network, the correlator convolutional neural network (CCNN). We train the CCNN with a labeled collection of sampled projective measurements and reveal signatures of each phase through regularization path analysis. We show that QuCl reproduces known features of established spin liquid phases and ordered phases. Most significantly, we identify a signature motif of the field-induced IGP in the spin channel perpendicular to the field direction, which we interpret as a signature of Friedel oscillations of gapless spinons forming a Fermi surface. Our predictions can guide future experimental searches for U(1) spin liquids.
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Deeper Kummer theory
Theo Johnson-Freyd Dalhousie University
A tower is an infinite sequence of deloopings of symmetric monoidal ever-higher categories. Towers are places where extended functorial field theories take values. Towers are a "deeper" version of commutative rings (as opposed to "higher rings" aka E∞-spectra). Notably, towers have their own opinions about Galois theory, and think that usual Galois groups are merely shallow approximations of deeper homotopical objects. In this talk, I will describe some steps in the construction and calculation of the deeper Galois group of a characteristic-zero field. In particular, I'll explain a homotopical version of the Kummer description of abelian extensions. This is joint work in progress with David Reutter.
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Creases, corners and caustics: properties of non-smooth structures on black hole horizons
Harvey Reall University of Cambridge
The event horizon of a dynamical black hole is generically a non-smooth hypersurface. I shall describe the types of non-smooth structure that can arise on a horizon that is smooth at late time. This includes creases, corners and caustic points. I shall discuss ``perestroikas'' of these structures, in which they undergo a qualitative change at an instant of time. A crease perestroika gives an exact local description of the event horizon near the ``instant of merger'' of a generic black hole merger. Other crease perestroikas describe horizon nucleation or collapse of a hole in a toroidal horizon. I shall discuss the possibility that creases contribute to black hole entropy, and the implications of non-smoothness for higher derivative terms in black hole entropy. This talk is based on joint work with Maxime Gadioux.
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Advancing Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Detection with Spectrogram Correlated Stacking (SpeCs)
Ramit Dey Western University
A stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) originates from numerous faint gravitational wave (GW) signals arising from coalescing compact binary objects. Based on the current estimated merger rate, the SGWB signal is expected to originate from non-overlapping GW waveforms where the chirping nature of individual events is expected to be preserved. In this talk, we present a novel technique, Spectrogram Correlated Stacking (or SpeCs), which goes beyond the usual cross-correlation (and to higher frequencies) by exploiting the higher-order statistics in the time-frequency domain. This method would account for the chirping nature of the individual events that comprise SGWB and enable us to extract more information from the signal due to its intrinsic non-gaussianity. We show that SpeCs improve the signal-to-noise for the detection of SGWB by a factor close to 8, compared to standard optimal cross-correlation methods which are tuned to measure only the power spectrum of the signal. SpeCs can probe beyond the power spectrum and its application to the GW data available from the current and next-generation detectors would speed up the SGWB discovery.
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Ultraslow dynamics, fragile fragmentation, and geometric group theory
Ethan Lake University of California, Berkeley
An ongoing program of work in statistical physics and quantum dynamics is concerned with understanding the character of systems which follow an unconventional approach towards thermal equilibrium. In this talk, I will add to this story by introducing examples of simple 1D systems---both classical and quantum---which thermalize in very unusual ways. These examples have dynamics which is strictly local and translation-invariant, but in spite of this, they: a) can have very long thermalization times, with expectation values of local operators relaxing only over times exponential in the system size; and b) can thermalize only when they are placed in extremely large baths, with the required bath size growing exponentially (or even faster) in system size. Proofs of these results will be given using techniques from geometric group theory, a beautiful area of mathematics concerned with the complexity and geometry of infinite discrete groups. This talk will be based on a paper in preparation with Shankar Balasubramanian, Sarang Golaparakrishnan, and Alexey Khudorozhkov.
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Scattering Amplitudes and Tilings of Moduli Spaces
Nick Early Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
In 2013, Cachazo, He and Yuan discovered a remarkable framework for scattering amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) which mixes the real, complex and tropical geometry associated to the moduli space of n points on the projective line, $M_{0,n}$. By duality, this moduli space has a twin moduli space of $n$ generic points in $P^{n-3}$, leading to dual realization of scattering amplitudes, using a generalization of the CHY formalism introduced in 2019 by Cachazo, Early, Guevara and Mizera (CEGM). Any duality begs for an explanation! And, what physical phenomena lie between the twin moduli spaces? CEGM developed a framework to answer the question for moduli spaces of $n$ points in any $P^{k-1}$, leading to the discovery of rich, recursive structures and novel behaviors which portend an extension of QFT. We discuss recent joint works with Cachazo and Zhang, and with Geiger, Panizzut, Sturmfels, Yun, in which we dig deeper into some of the many mysteries which arise.
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Phase transitions out of quantum Hall states in moire bilayers
Senthil Todadri Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Quantum Hall phases are the most exotic experimentally established quantum phases of matter.Recently they have been discovered at zero external magnetic field in two dimensional moire materials. I will describe recent work (with Xue-Yang Song and Ya-Hui Zhang) on their proximate phases and associated phase transitions that is motivated by the high tunability of thede moire systems. These phase transitions (and some of the proximate phases) are exotic as well, and realize novel ‘beyond Landau’ criticality that have been explored theoretically for many years. I will show that these moiré platforms provide a great experimental opportunity to study these unconventional phase transitions and related unconventional phases, thereby opening a new direction for research in quantum matter.
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Examining challenges to LCDM model near and far: from nearby dwarf galaxies to UV bright galaxies at z>5
Andrey Kravtsov University of Chicago
I will present a galaxy formation model within the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) framework that is calibrated on the results of galaxy formation simulations and some of the empirical properties of nearby dwarf galaxies. I will then use the model to interpret a number of ostensible challenges to the LCDM framework, such as the "too-big-too-fail problem", "central density problem" and the "planes of satellites" problem and will argue that none of these pose a serious challenge to LCDM, as the corresponding observations can be largely understood within the current galaxy formation modeling. I will also show that the same galaxy formation model can explain the abundance of UV-bright galaxies at z>5 measured by the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope recently, if the expected increase of burstiness of star formation in galaxies towards early epochs is taken into account.
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Asymptotic structure and the characterisation of gravitational
Jose Senovilla University of the Basque Country
With the main purpose of identifying the existence of gravitational radiation at infinity (scri), a novel approach to the asymptotic structure of spacetime is presented, focusing mainly in cases with non-negative cosmological constant. The basic idea is to consider the strength of tidal forces experienced by scri. To that end I will introduce the asymptotic (radiant) super-momentum, a causal vector defined at scri with remarkable properties that, in particular, provides an innovative characterization of gravitational radiation valid for the general case with Λ ≥ 0 (and which has been proven to be equivalent when Λ = 0 to the standard one based on the News tensor). This analysis is also shown to be supported by the initial- (or final-) value Cauchy-type problem defined at scri. The implications are discussed in some detail. The geometric structure of scri, and of its cuts, is clarified. The question of whether or not a News tensor can be defined in the presence of a positive cosmological constant is addressed. Several definitions of asymptotic symmetries are presented. Conserved charges that may detect gravitational radiation are exhibited. Balance laws that might be useful as diagnostic tools to test the accuracy of model waveforms discussed. An interpretation of the Geroch `rho' tensor is found. The whole thing will be complemented with a series of illustrative examples based on exact solutions. In particular we will see that exact solutions with black holes will be radiative if, and only if, they are accelerated.
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Cauchy Characteristic Matching
Sizheng Ma Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Two major approaches are used when numerically solving the Einstein field equations. The first one is to use spatial Cauchy slices and treat the system as a standard Cauchy initial value problem. Cauchy-characteristic evolution (CCE) serves as the second approach, which evolves spacetime based on null hypersurfaces. The Cauchy formulation is suitable for the strong field region but is computationally expensive to extend to the wave zone, whereas the Characteristic approach is fast in the wave zone but fails near the binary system where the null surfaces are ill-defined. By combining those two techniques — simulating the inner region with Cauchy evolution and the outer region with CCE, Cauchy-Characteristic matching (CCM) enables us to take advantage of both methods. In this talk, I present our recent implementation of CCM based on a numerical relativity code SpECTRE. I also discuss how CCM improves the accuracy of Cauchy boundary conditions — a benefit that allows us to evolve less of the wave zone in the Cauchy code without losing precision.
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Title: Braid group, Askey-Wilson algebra and centralizers of U_q(sl_2)
Meri Zaimi Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
In this talk, I will consider the centralizer of the quantum group U_q(sl_2) in the tensor product of three identical spin representations. The case of spin 1/2 (fundamental representation) is understood within the framework of the Schur-Weyl duality for U_q(sl_N), and the centralizer is known to be isomorphic to a Temperley-Lieb algebra. The case of spin 1 has also been studied and corresponds to the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra. For a general spin, I will explain how to describe explicitly the centralizer (by generators and relations) using a combination of the braid group algebra and the Askey-Wilson algebra, which has been introduced in the context of orthogonal polynomials.
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Commuting operations factorise
Renato Renner ETH Zurich
Tsirelson’s problem involves two agents, Alice and Bob, who apply measurements on the same quantum system, K. It asks whether commutation, i.e., independence of whether Alice or Bob measures first, is sufficient to conclude that Alice and Bob’s measurements can be factorised so that they act non-trivially only on distinct subsystems of K. In this talk, I will present a “fully quantum generalisation” of this problem, where Alice and Bob’s measurements are replaced by operations on K that may depend on additional quantum inputs and produce quantum outputs. As for Tsirelson’s original problem, it turns out that commutation indeed implies factorisation, provided that all relevant systems are finite-dimensional.
This is joint work with Ramona Wolf; preprint available at arXiv:2308.05792.---
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