Format results
Gravity Basics - 1
Veronika Hubeny University of California, Davis
QI Basics - 1
Patrick Hayden Stanford University
Entanglement - 1
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Bell’s Theorem
Adrian Kent University of Cambridge
GR: Actions and Equations
David Kubiznak Charles University
A new perspective on holographic entanglement
Matthew Headrick Brandeis University
QI Basics - 2
John Watrous IBM (Canada)
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Marina Cortes Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
The origin of arrows of time II
Sean Carroll California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
Marina Cortes Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Tim Koslowski Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
The origin of arrows of time II cont.
Sean Carroll California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
Marina Cortes Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Tim Koslowski Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Testing time asymmetry in the early universe
Brian Keating University of California, San Diego
Andrew Liddle University of Lisbon
Richard Muller University of California, Berkeley
The fate of the big bang
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
Time as Organization – Downward Caustation, Structure and Complexity I
Barbara Drossel Technische Universität Darmstadt
Time as Organization – Downward Caustation, Structure and Complexity II
Stuart Kauffman Santa Fe Institute
George Ellis University of Cape Town
Finally making sense of Quantum Mechanics, part 1
Yakir Aharonov Chapman University
How to count one photon and get a(n average) result of 1000...
Aephraim Steinberg University of Toronto
The Quantum Tip of the Two-Vector Iceberg
Avshalom Elitzur Israeli Institute for Advanced Research
The arrow of time for continuous quantum measurements
Andrew Jordan University of Rochester
Observation of Aharonov-Bohm effect with quantum tunneling
Yutaka Shikano Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Protective Measurement and Ergodicity
Yakir Aharonov Chapman University
Sudden Sharp Forces and Nonlocal Interactions
Yakir Aharonov Chapman University
Gravity Dual of Quantum Information Metric
Tadashi Takayanagi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
A new perspective on holographic entanglement
Matthew Headrick Brandeis University
Universal holographic description of CFT entanglement entropy
Thomas Faulkner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Geometric Constructs in AdS/CFT
Veronika Hubeny University of California, Davis
Do black holes create polyamory
Jonathan Oppenheim University College London
Tensor Network Renormalization and the MERA
Glen Evenbly Georgia Institute of Technology
Entanglement renormalization for quantum fields
Jutho Haegeman Ghent University
Holographic quantum error-correcting codes: Toy models for the bulk/boundary correspondence
Fernando Pastawski California Institute of Technology
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II -
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A noncommuting charge puzzle
Shayan MajidyThe assumption that conserved quantities, also known as charges, commute underpins many basic physics derivations, such as that of the thermal state's form and Onsager coefficients. Yet, the failure of operators to commute plays a key role in quantum theory, e.g., underlying uncertainty relations. Recently, the study of systems with noncommuting charges has emerged as a growing subfield of quantum many-body physics and revealed a conceptual puzzle: noncommuting charges can hinder thermalization in some ways, yet promote it in others. In this talk, we address this puzzle in two distinct settings. First, we introduce noncommuting charges into monitored quantum circuits—a toolbox for studying entanglement dynamics. Numerical results reveal a critical phase with long-range entanglement, replacing the area-law phase typically observed in such circuits. This enhanced entanglement indicates noncommuting charges promote entanglement generation, which accompanies thermalization. Second, we consider systems with dynamical symmetries, which are known to violate the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH), leading to non-stationary dynamics and preventing equilibration, let alone thermalization. We demonstrate that each pair of dynamical symmetries corresponds to a specific charge. Importantly, introducing new charges that do not commute with the existing charges disrupts the associated non-stationary dynamics, thereby facilitating thermalization. Together, these results shed light on the complex interplay between noncommuting charges, entanglement dynamics, and thermalization in quantum many-body systems. -
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Foundations, PHYS 639
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics