Format results
Reducing the overhead of quantum error correction
Aleksander Kubica Yale University
Reliable quantum computational advantages from quantum simulation
Juani Bermejo Vega University of Granada
Values for compiled XOR nonlocal games
Connor Paddock University of Ottawa
Energy and speed bound in GPTs - VIRTUAL
Lorenzo Giannelli University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Programming Clifford Unitaries with Symplectic Types
Jennifer Paykin Intel
This talk will present work-in-progress towards a new programming methodology for Cliffords, where n-ary Clifford unitaries over qudits can be expressed as functions on compact Pauli. Inspired by the fact that projective Cliffords correspond to center-fixing automorphisms on the Pauli group, we develop a type system where well-typed expressions correspond to symplectic morphisms---that is, linear transformations that respect the symplectic form. This language is backed up by a robust categorical and operational semantics, and well-typed functions can be efficiently simulated and synthesized into circuits via Pauli tableaus. -
Reducing the overhead of quantum error correction
Aleksander Kubica Yale University
Fault-tolerant protocols and quantum error correction (QEC) are essential to building reliable quantum computers from imperfect components that are vulnerable to errors. Optimizing the resource and time overheads needed to implement QEC is one of the most pressing challenges that will facilitate a transition from NISQ to the fault tolerance era. In this talk, I will discuss two intriguing ideas that can significantly reduce these overheads. The first idea, erasure qubits, relies on an efficient conversion of the dominant noise into erasure errors at known locations, greatly enhancing the performance of QEC protocols. The second idea, single-shot QEC, guarantees that even in the presence of measurement errors one can perform reliable QEC without repeating measurements, incurring only constant time overhead.
Learning quantum objects
Amira Abbas University of Amsterdam
Whilst tomography has dominated the theory behind reconstructing/approximating quantum objects, such as states or channels, conducting full tomography is often not necessary in practice. If one is interested in learning properties of a quantum system, side-stepping the exponential lower bounds of tomography is then possible. In this talk, we will introduce various learning models for approximating quantum objects, survey the literature of quantum learning theory and explore instances where learning can be fully time- and sample efficient. -
Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on a qudit quantum computer
Particle physics underpins our understanding of the world at a fundamental level by describing the interplay of matter and forces through gauge theories. Yet, despite their unmatched success, the intrinsic quantum mechanical nature of gauge theories makes important problem classes notoriously difficult to address with classical computational techniques. A promising way to overcome these roadblocks is offered by quantum computers, which are based on the same laws that make the classical computations so difficult. Here, we present a quantum computation of the properties of the basic building block of two-dimensional lattice quantum electrodynamics, involving both gauge fields and matter. This computation is made possible by the use of a trapped-ion qudit quantum processor, where quantum information is encoded in d different states per ion, rather than in two states as in qubits. Qudits are ideally suited for describing gauge fields, which are naturally high-dimensional, leading to a dramatic reduction in the quantum register size and circuit complexity. Using a variational quantum eigensolver we find the ground state of the model and observe the interplay between virtual pair creation and quantized magnetic field effects. The qudit approach further allows us to seamlessly observe the effect of different gauge field truncations by controlling the qudit dimension. Our results open the door for hardware-efficient quantum simulations with qudits in near-term quantum devices. -
Gong Show
IN PERSON - Lorenzo Catani, Matthew Fox, Hlér Kristjánsson, Gabrielle Tournaire VIRTUAL - Jonte Hance, Sidiney Montanhano, Shiroman Prakash, Amr Sabry -
BosonSampling with a linear number of modes
Daniel Jost BrodBosonSampling is one of the leading candidate models for a demonstration of quantum computational advantage. However, there are still important gaps between our best theoretical results and what can be implemented realistically in the laboratory. One of the largest gaps concerns the scaling between the number of modes (m) and number of photons (n) in the experiment. The original proposal by Aaronson and Arkhipov, as well as all subsequent improvements, required m to scale as n^2, whereas most state-of-the-art typically operate in a regime where m is linear in n. In this talk, I will describe how our recent work bridges this gap by providing evidence that BosonSampling remains hard even for m as low as 2n. I will review the template for proofs of computational advantage used in BosonSampling and other proposals, and discuss how we solved the new challenges that appear in this regime. -
Cohomological description of contextual measurement-based quantum computations — the temporally ordered case
Robert Raussendorf Leibniz University Hannover
It is known that measurement-based quantum computations (MBQCs) which compute a non-linear Boolean function with sufficiently high probability of success are contextual, i.e., they cannot be described by a non-contextual hidden variable model. It is also known that contexuality has descriptions in terms of cohomology [1,2]. And so it seems in range to obtain a cohomological description of MBQC. And yet, the two connections mentioned above are not easily strung together. In a previous work [3], the cohomological description for MBQC was provided for the temporally flat case. Here we present the extension to the general temporally ordered case. [1] S. Abramsky, R. Barbosa, S. Mansfield, The Cohomology of Non-Locality and Contextuality, EPTCS 95, 2012, pp. 1-14 [2] C. Okay, S. Roberts, S.D. Bartlett, R. Raussendorf, Topological proofs of contextuality in quantum mechanics, Quant. Inf. Comp. 17, 1135-1166 (2017). [3] R. Raussendorf, Cohomological framework for contextual quantum computations, Quant. Inf. Comp. 19, 1141-1170 (2019) This is jount work with Polina Feldmann and Cihan Okay -
Reliable quantum computational advantages from quantum simulation
Juani Bermejo Vega University of Granada
Demonstrating quantum advantages in near term quantum devices is a notoriously difficult task. Ongoing efforts try to overcome different limitations of quantum devices without fault-tolerance, such as their limited system size or obstacles towards verification of the outcome of the computation. Proposals that exhibit more reliable quantum advantages for classically hard-to-simulate verifiable problems lack, at the same time, practical applicability. In this talk we will review different approaches to demonstrate quantum advantages inspired from many-body quantum physics. The first of them use entangled quantum resources such as cluster states, which are useful to demonstrate verifiable quantum advantages based on sampling problems (Theory proposal Phys. Rev. X 8, 021010, 2018 and recent experimental demonstration arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14424). The second probe measurement of many-body quantities such as dynamical structure factors in quantum simulation setups (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (42), 26123-26134). -
Values for compiled XOR nonlocal games
Connor Paddock University of Ottawa
Nonlocal games are a foundational tool for understanding entanglement and constructing quantum protocols in settings with multiple spatially separated quantum devices. However, the spatial separation between devices can be difficult to enforce in practice. To this end, Kalai et al. (STOC '23) initiated the study of compiled nonlocal games. The KLVY compilation procedure transforms any k-prover nonlocal into a game with a classical verifier and a single cryptographically limited quantum prover. Kalai et al. showed that their compilation procedure is sound against classical provers and complete for entangled provers. Natarajan and Zhang (FOCS '23) showed that the compiled two-prover CHSH game is sound against quantum provers. I will discuss recent work, showing that the compiler is sound for any two-player XOR game. I will also discuss challenges and open questions in extending results from nonlocal games to the compiled setting. -
Energy and speed bound in GPTs - VIRTUAL
Lorenzo Giannelli University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Information-theoretic insights have proven fruitful in many areas of quantum physics. But can the fundamental dynamics of quantum systems be derived from purely information-theoretic principles, without resorting to Hilbert space structures such as unitary evolution and self-adjoint observables? Here we provide a model where the dynamics originates from a condition of informational non-equilibrium, the deviation of the system’s state from a reference state associated to a field of identically prepared systems. Combining this idea with three basic information-theoretic principles, we derive a notion of energy that captures the main features of energy in quantum theory: it is observable, bounded from below, invariant under time-evolution, in one-to-one correspondence with the generator of the dynamics, and quantitatively related to the speed of state changes. Our results provide an information-theoretic reconstruction of the Mandelstam-Tamm bound on the speed of quantum evolutions, establishing a bridge between dynamical and information-theoretic notions.
Quantum rainbow codes
Arthur Pesah University College London
With the recent construction of quantum low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with optimal asymptotic parameters, finding methods to perform low-overhead computation using those constructions has become a central problem of quantum error-correction. In particular, triorthogonal codes---which admit transversal non-Clifford operations---are of particular interest, but few examples of these codes are presently known. In our work, we introduce a new family of codes, the quantum rainbow codes, a generalization of pin codes and color codes, that can be constructed from any chain complex. When applied to the hypergraph product of three complexes, we show that those codes can implement transversal non-Clifford gates and have improved parameters compared to pin codes. Considering expander graphs with large girth as the input complexes, we can for instance obtain families of triorthogonal codes with parameters [[n,Θ(n^{2/3}),Θ(log(n))]].