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Gravity Dual of Quantum Information Metric
Tadashi Takayanagi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
A new perspective on holographic entanglement
Matthew Headrick Brandeis University
Universal holographic description of CFT entanglement entropy
Thomas Faulkner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Geometric Constructs in AdS/CFT
Veronika Hubeny University of California, Davis
Do black holes create polyamory
Jonathan Oppenheim University College London
Tensor Network Renormalization and the MERA
Glen Evenbly Georgia Institute of Technology
Entanglement renormalization for quantum fields
Jutho Haegeman Ghent University
Holographic quantum error-correcting codes: Toy models for the bulk/boundary correspondence
Fernando Pastawski California Institute of Technology
The Standard Model – Theory: Electroweak Model
Michael Peskin Stanford University
Astroparticle Physics – Theory: WIMP Paradigm
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
The Standard Model – Theory: Parton Model
Michael Peskin Stanford University
Astroparticle Physics – Theory: Dark Matter Distribution in MW
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
The Standard Model – Theory: Altarelli-Parisi evolution
Michael Peskin Stanford University
Astroparticle Physics – Theory: Direct detection
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
The Standard Model – Theory: Events and processes @ the LHC
Michael Peskin Stanford University
Astroparticle Physics – Theory: Indirect detection
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 15
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 14
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 13
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 12
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 11
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 10
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 9
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 8
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Bound state corrections and high-energy scattering
Ryan Plestid California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Lecture - QFT II, PHYS 603
Francois David CEA Saclay
Lecture - QFT II, PHYS 603
Francois David CEA Saclay
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II -
2015 Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles
2015 Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles -
PSi 2014/2015 - Explorations in String Theory (Vieira)
Review of selected topics in String Theory.
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
A new construction of $c=1$ Virasoro conformal blocks
Qianyu HaoThe Virasoro conformal blocks are very interesting since they have many connections to other areas of math and physics. For example, when $c=1$, they are related to tau functions of integrable systems of Painlev\'{e} equations. They are also closely related to non-perturbative completions in the topological string theories. I will first explain what Virasoro conformal blocks are. Then I will describe a new way to construct Virasoro blocks at $c=1$ on $C$ by using the "abelian" Heisenberg conformal blocks on a branched double cover of C. The main new idea in our work is to use a spectral network and I will show the advantages of this construction. This nonabelianization construction enables us to compute the harder-to-get Virasoro blocks using the simpler abelian objects. It is closely related to the idea of nonabelianization of the flat connections in the work of Gaiotto-Moore-Neitzke and Neitzke-Hollands. This is based on a joint work with Andrew Neitzke.
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Lecture - Standard Model, PHYS 622
Seyda Ipek Carleton University
Bound state corrections and high-energy scattering
Ryan Plestid California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Many fundamental-physics experiments scatter high energy beams off of fixed targets composed of ordinary matter i.e., atoms. When considering the scattering off of atomic electrons we often make the approximation that the electron is free and at rest, however one can ask how good this approximation really is? This becomes especially important in the face of demanding precision goals of certain experiments. For example the planned MuonE experiment will attempt to measure the shape of $\mu e \rightarrow \mu e$ scattering as a function of angle with a precision of 10 ppm. In this talk I will explain how to systematically include bound-state corrections arising from the difference between a free-and-at-rest electron and those bound in atomic orbitals. When the final state of the atom is not measured, a surprisingly simple and elegant formula can be obtained that reduces the leading order corrections to a single atomic matrix element. New developments related to Coulomb corrections for inelastic systems will also be discussed. Based on (arXiv:2403.12184, 2407.21752).
Lecture - QFT II, PHYS 603
Francois David CEA Saclay
Lecture - QFT II, PHYS 603
Francois David CEA Saclay