Displaying 3205 - 3216 of 5048
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Maximal Privacy Without Coherence
Debbie Leung Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Black Holes- the Harmonic Oscillators of the 21st Century
Andrew Strominger Harvard University
DMRG Analysis of Mobile Impurities and Orbital-selective Mott Phases
Julian (Jose) Rincon Universidad de los Andes
Exact holographic mapping and emergent space-time geometry
Xiaoliang Qi Stanford University
Line Defects and Tropicalization
Clay Cordova University of Chicago
SDSS-III BOSS and Beyond: fundamental physics with galaxy redshift surveys
Beth Reid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A one-dimensional action for simplicial gravity in three dimensions
Wolfgang Wieland University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Sequestering Lorentz violation in the Lifshitz sector
Maxim Pospelov University of Minnesota
The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Quantum Physics in Modern Mathematics
Robbert Dijkgraaf Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
How Much Information Can SUSY QM Conserve About SUSY QFT?
S. James Gates Jr. University of Maryland, College Park
Cosmology Results from the Pan-STARRs Supernova Survey
Danial Scolnic Johns Hopkins University