Format results
Tensorization of neural networks for improved privacy and interpretability
José Ramón Pareja Monturiol Complutense University of Madrid
Gravitational wave signatures of black hole mimicking objects
Nils Peter Siemonsen Princeton University
Quantum Information-Inspired Tests of Quantum Gravity
Vlatko Vedral -
Einstein Telescope: A look at the dawn of the Universe
Fernando Ferroni -
Simulating a quantised black hole
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization
Yidun Wan Fudan University
In this talk, we develop a systematic framework for understanding symmetries in topological phases in \(2+1\) dimensions using the string-net model, encompassing both gauge symmetries that preserve anyon types and global symmetries permuting anyon types, including both invertible symmetries describable by groups and noninvertible symmetries described by categories. As an archetypal example, we reveal the first noninvertible categorical gauge symmetry of topological orders in \(2+1\) dimensions: the Fibonacci gauge symmetry of the doubled Fibonacci topological order, described by the Fibonacci fusion \(2\)-category. Our approach involves two steps: first, establishing duality between different string-net models with Morita equivalent input UFCs that describe the same topological order; and second, constructing symmetry transformations within the same string-net model when the dual models have isomorphic input UFCs, achieved by composing duality maps with isomorphisms of degrees of freedom between the dual models.
Tensorization of neural networks for improved privacy and interpretability
José Ramón Pareja Monturiol Complutense University of Madrid
We present a tensorization algorithm for constructing tensor train representations of functions, drawing on sketching and cross interpolation ideas. The method only requires black-box access to the target function and a small set of sample points defining the domain of interest. Thus, it is particularly well-suited for machine learning models, where the domain of interest is naturally defined by the training dataset. We show that this approach can be used to enhance the privacy and interpretability of neural network models. Specifically, we apply our decomposition to (i) obfuscate neural networks whose parameters encode patterns tied to the training data distribution, and (ii) estimate topological phases of matter that are easily accessible from the tensor train representation. Additionally, we show that this tensorization can serve as an efficient initialization method for optimizing tensor trains in general settings, and that, for model compression, our algorithm achieves a superior trade-off between memory and time complexity compared to conventional tensorization methods of neural networks.
Gravitational wave signatures of black hole mimicking objects
Nils Peter Siemonsen Princeton University
Gravitational wave observations of strongly gravitating compact objects allow us not only to probe black holes and neutron stars, but also have the potential to uncover new fundamental physics. To distinguish black holes from their mimickers, sufficiently accurate predictions for gravitational wave signatures of these objects are required. Boson stars, a particular representative of the larger class of ultra compact objects, can be used to understand the behavior of these systems and their imprints left on the emitted waveform. I will discuss the inspiral and merger dynamics of binary boson stars, focusing particularly on the ringdown phase, and comment on the appearance of gravitational wave echoes in the post-merger phase of black hole mimickers more broadly. -
Quantum Information-Inspired Tests of Quantum Gravity
Vlatko VedralI plan to review several ways of testing if the gravitational field has quantum aspects in the low energy regime. I explain why the hybrid (half quantum/half classical) models are inadequate and how they could be ruled out. Furthermore, I maintain that there is no prima facie reason to expect problems when quantizing gravity in the linear regime; I summarise the main perceived difficulties only to dismiss them as irrelevant. Going beyond the linear regime is challenging in the lab, and one might have to look towards astrophysics and cosmology of the early universe instead. Finally, many interesting features of quantum field theory could be explored in the low-energy regime that may not necessarily be specific to gravity.
Einstein Telescope: A look at the dawn of the Universe
Fernando FerroniGravitational waves were detected in 2015 after 100 years of their prediction. Coalescence of black holes and neutron stars have been studied giving birth to a new way of studying our Universe. The coincidence of the gravitational signal with a gamma ray burst has been identified as the beginning of multi-messenger astronomy. In order to move from the limited statistics, allowed by the actually running interferometers (LIGO and VIRGO), to a huge sample a new generation of detectors has to be designed , built and operated. Einstein Telescope is the project for a third generation detector, supported by a large European collaboration. It is going to be formed by a combination of a Low Frequency Cryogenic interferometer and an High Frequency high laser power interferometer both located underground in order to minimise the noise. Laser technology, seismic noise attenuation, quantim squeezing are a few of the keys to success. The experiment is going to produce results in several field of research like astronomy, astrophysics, nuclear physics, cosmology. It is going to be in competition and cooperation with the US project Cosmic Explorer.
The BV-Logic of Spacetime Interventions
James HeffordI will give a general method for producing a process theory of local spacetime events and higher-order transformations from any base process theory of first-order maps. This process theory models events as intervention-context pairs, uniting the local actions by agents with the structure of the spacetime around them. I will show how this theory is richer than a standard process theory by permitting additional ways of composing agents beyond the usual tensor product, thereby capturing various strengths of possible spatio-temporal correlations. I will also explain the connection between these compositions and the logic "system BV".
Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing with high-rate qLDPC codes
Xian QuHigh-rate quantum low-density parity-check (qLDPC) codes offer significantly lower encoding overhead compared to their topological counterparts by relaxing locality constraints. However, achieving full-fledged logical computation with these codes in physical systems with low space-time costs remains a formidable challenge. In the first part of this talk, I will provide an overview of recent advancements in implementing qLDPC codes as quantum memories on realistic platforms, such as reconfigurable atom arrays. Next, I will present a new scheme for performing parallelizable and locally addressable logical operations on homological product codes. This scheme extends the transversal CNOT gate from two identical CSS codes to two distinct, yet structurally similar, qLDPC codes, enabling efficient local addressing of collectively encoded information. We demonstrate that this approach achieves lower overhead in not only the space- but also the overall space-time overhead compared to surface-code-based computations. Finally, I will discuss new strategies for achieving highly space-time-efficient computations with qLDPC codes by leveraging algorithm-specific fault tolerance, designing tailored protocols for structured quantum algorithms.
Uniqueness of bipartite and multipartite quantum state over time
Recent efforts to formulate a unified, causally neutral approach to quantum theory have highlighted the need for a framework treating spatial and temporal correlations on an equal footing. Building on this motivation, we propose operationally inspired axioms for quantum states over time, demonstrating that, unlike earlier approaches, these axioms yield a unique quantum state over time that is valid across both bipartite and multipartite spacetime scenarios. In particular, we show that the Fullwood-Parzygnat state over time uniquely satisfies these axioms, thus unifying bipartite temporal correlations and extending seamlessly to any number of temporal points. In particular, we identify two simple assumptions—linearity in the initial state and a quantum analog of conditionability—that single out a multipartite extension of bipartite quantum states over time, giving rise to a canonical generalization of Kirkwood-Dirac type quasi-probability distributions. This result provides a new characterization of quantum Markovianity, advancing our understanding of quantum correlations across both space and time.
OGRePy and Time Travel Paradoxes
Barak Shoshany Brock University
Part I: OGRePy: Object-Oriented General Relativity in Python I will present a detailed introduction to my new Python package, OGRePy: (O)bject-Oriented (G)eneral (Re)lativity for (Py)thon, a port of my popular Mathematica package OGRe, which is used by many researchers in general relativity and related areas. I will demonstrate the package's usage and features, including its ability to manipulate tensors of arbitrary rank using an intuitive interface, and calculate arbitrary tensor formulas involving any combination of addition, multiplication, trace, contraction, and partial and covariant derivatives - while automatically figuring out the proper index configuration and coordinate system to use for each tensor, eliminating user error. Part II: Time Travel Paradoxes and Entangled Timelines If time travel is possible, it seems that it would inevitably lead to paradoxes, indicating an internal inconsistency in our current theories of nature. Can these paradoxes be resolved by new laws of physics, or perhaps even existing ones? I will first review the different types of time travel paradoxes and their proposed resolutions. Then I will present the results of my 3 recent papers (1911.11590, 2110.02448, 2303.07635) discussing different aspects of time travel paradoxes from the perspectives of both general relativity and quantum mechanics. I will argue that generic time travel paradoxes can only be resolved using the concept of parallel timelines, and suggest possibilities for how such timelines may manifest themselves. -
Applications and prospects of Lorentzian path integrals in quantum gravity
Johanna Borissova Perimeter Institute
Lorentzian path integrals exhibit profoundly different properties from Euclidean ones due to the oscillatory integrand which weighs different configurations through interference. Key troubles encountered in Euclidean quantum gravity are the conformal factor problem of Euclidean quantum GR and divergences due to spike configurations in Euclidean quantum Regge calculus. The first part of this talk will focus on how these troubles are resolved in Lorentzian quantum Regge calculus. I will emphasize the unambiguous choice of contour for the integral over the conformal mode in a saddle-point expansion and furthermore show that bulk-length expectation values are finite for spike and spine configurations away from the classical regime. The second part of this talk will focus on properties of Lorentzian path integrals beyond GR. I will illustrate that higher-derivative and non-local actions can be expected to suppress spacetime configurations with curvature singularities. Finally, I will revisit the long-standing question of global symmetries in quantum gravity by providing examples for non-local actions designed to suppress global-symmetry-violating black-hole configurations in the Lorentzian path integral. -
Simulating a quantised black hole
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Horizons can occur in a wide range of physical situations, many of which we can construct in the lab. Most gravity simulators observe features, like super-radiance, that are analysed as a continuum effect in gravity, whereas many interesting "beyond GR" features theorise about the impact of quantised aspects of the black hole. In this talk, I will describe recent experimental work on a liquid helium giant vortex that naturally has quantisation, and how we hope to explore "black hole" phenomena in a broader context. Based on [arXiv:2308.10773 [gr-qc]] with: Patrik Svancara, Pietro Smaniotto, Leonardo Solidoro, James MacDonald, Sam Patrick, Carlo Barenghi and Silke Weinfurtner