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- Maria Chiara de SimonePIRSA:25030153
Magnetar Formation via Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs
Siu Hei Cheung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Relativistic Gas Accretion onto Supermassive Black Hole Binaries from Inspiral through Merger
Lorenzo Ennoggi Rochester Institute of Technology
Dark Photon Superradiance
Nils Peter Siemonsen Princeton University
Ideas in Multiplicative Non-abelian Hodge theory
Marielle Ong University of Toronto
Lecture - Strong Gravity, PHYS 777
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Magnetic field effects in binary neutron star mergers: insights from GRMHD simulations
Eduardo Gutierrez Pennsylvania State University
General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of Accreting Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
Manuela Campanelli Rochester Institute of Technology