18409 - 18420 of 18465 Results
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Lessons from integrability
Vladimir Kazakov (Ecole Normale Superieure), Gregory Korchemsky (U Paris Saclay)strings:20211060Integrable theories in four dimensions from twistors
Kevin Costello (Perimeter Institute)strings:20211061Summing over geometries in string theory
Lorenz Eberhardt (Institute for Advanced Study)strings:20211063Results from the NANOGrav search for nanohertz gravitational waves and cosmic strings
Xavier Siemens (Oregon State U)strings:20211065Symmetries and their generalizations in topological phases of matter
Shu-Heng Shao (Institute for Advanced Study)strings:20211066New phases of matter
Nathan Seiberg (Institute for Advanced Study), Xiao-Gang Wen (MIT)strings:20211069