Artificial intelligence and string theory Michael Douglas (Stony Brook U), Fabian Ruehle (Oxford U) strings:20211046
Generalized symmetries, algebras and entropy Horacio Casini (Centro Atómico Bariloche) strings:20211048
Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for one-form symmetries John McGreevy (UC San Diego) strings:20211049
On global anomalies of heterotic string theories Yuji Tachikawa (Kavli IPMU and U of Tokyo) strings:20211051
4 generations of women in string theory Miranda Cheng (U of Amsterdam), Chiara Nappi (Princeton U), Shruti Paranjape (U of Michigan), Silvia Penati (Milan Bicocca U) strings:20211053
Worldsheet approaches to field theory amplitudes Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Institute), Lionel Mason (Oxford U) strings:20211054
Exact results and modular invariance of integrated correlators in N=4 SYM Congkao Wen (Queen Mary U of London) strings:20211057
Artificial intelligence and string theory Michael Douglas (Stony Brook U), Fabian Ruehle (Oxford U) strings:20211046
Generalized symmetries, algebras and entropy Horacio Casini (Centro Atómico Bariloche) strings:20211048
Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for one-form symmetries John McGreevy (UC San Diego) strings:20211049
On global anomalies of heterotic string theories Yuji Tachikawa (Kavli IPMU and U of Tokyo) strings:20211051
4 generations of women in string theory Miranda Cheng (U of Amsterdam), Chiara Nappi (Princeton U), Shruti Paranjape (U of Michigan), Silvia Penati (Milan Bicocca U) strings:20211053
Worldsheet approaches to field theory amplitudes Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Institute), Lionel Mason (Oxford U) strings:20211054
Exact results and modular invariance of integrated correlators in N=4 SYM Congkao Wen (Queen Mary U of London) strings:20211057