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Quantum scars in quantum field theory
Annie Wei Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Deep Learning Convolutions Through the Lens of Tensor Networks
Felix Dangel Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Generalized LTB spacetime and dust collapse in polymerized spherical symmetric models
Hongguang Liu University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Gyroscopes orbiting gargantuan black holes - VIRTUAL
Lisa Drummond Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Monster Lie Algebra: Friend or Foe?
Maryam Khaqan Emory University
Can one region of space encode another?
Charlie Cummings University of Pennsylvania
Models of deconfined criticality for square and triangular lattice antiferromagnets
Henry Shackleton Harvard University
Frustrated quantum magnets provide a promising platform for realizing exotic phase transitions known as deconfined quantum critical points (DQCPs), where a conventional Landau-Ginzburg description fails and the resulting description involves emergent gauge fields. In the first part of my talk, I will propose a unified theory for describing a pair of continuous phase transitions numerically observed in the frustrated square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet, where a spin liquid phase appears to emerge in between Neel and valence bond solid (VBS) phases. The proposed DQCPs exhibit a plethora of unconventional phenomena, including anisotropic fixed points and dangerously irrelevant perturbations. In the second part of my talk, I will describe recent work analyzing an effective model of triangular lattice antiferromagnetism which supports coplanar magnetic order as well as VBS and spin liquid phases. We show that this effective model is sign-problem-free and amenable to large-scale Monte Carlo simulations, which reveal a direct transition between magnetic and VBS phases.
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Quantum scars in quantum field theory
Annie Wei Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We develop the theory of quantum scars for quantum fields. By generalizing the formalisms of Heller and Bogomolny from few-body quantum mechanics to quantum fields, we find that unstable periodic classical solutions of the field equations imprint themselves in a precise manner on bands of energy eigenfunctions. This indicates a breakdown of thermalization at certain energy scales, in a manner that can be characterized via semiclassics. As an explicit example, we consider time-periodic non-topological solitons in complex scalar field theories. We find that an unstable variant of Q-balls, called Q-clouds, induce quantum scars. Some technical contributions of our work include methods for characterizing moduli spaces of periodic orbits in field theories, which are essential for formulating our quantum scar formula. We further discuss potential connections with quantum many-body scars in Rydberg atom arrays. Based on work in arXiv:2212.01637 with Jordan Cotler.
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Deep Learning Convolutions Through the Lens of Tensor Networks
Felix Dangel Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Despite their simple intuition, convolutions are more tedious to analyze than dense layers, which complicates the transfer of theoretical and algorithmic ideas. We provide a simplifying perspective onto convolutions through tensor networks (TNs) which allow reasoning about the underlying tensor multiplications by drawing diagrams, and manipulating them to perform function transformations and sub-tensor access. We demonstrate this expressive power by deriving the diagrams of various autodiff operations and popular approximations of second-order information with full hyper-parameter support, batching, channel groups, and generalization to arbitrary convolution dimensions. Further, we provide convolution-specific transformations based on the connectivity pattern which allow to re-wire and simplify diagrams before evaluation. Finally, we probe computational performance, relying on established machinery for efficient TN contraction. Our TN implementation speeds up a recently-proposed KFAC variant up to 4.5x and enables new hardware-efficient tensor dropout for approximate backpropagation.
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Generalized LTB spacetime and dust collapse in polymerized spherical symmetric models
Hongguang Liu University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Recently, models with different properties have been proposed for polymerized dust collapse and regular black holes. To fully understand their properties and differences, we provide a systematic procedure to construct effective polymerized spherically symmetric models encoding holonomy corrections as $1+1$d field theory from effective regular cosmological dynamics or stationary effective metrics. We apply this formalism and consider models that have the following advantages: The effective dynamics can be derived from a class of extended mimetic gravity Lagrangians in 4 dimensions. The models admit a consistent Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) condition, by which the dynamics is completely decoupled along the radial direction in LTB coordinates, trivializing the junction condition in dust collapse. The class of effective dynamics admits a polymerized Birkhoff-like theorem, which leads to a stationary effective metric in the polymerized vacuum. The effective dynamics can reproduce known regular black hole solutions, including Bardeen and Hayward, by a suitable choice of holonomy corrections. As a concrete example, we construct an effective model compatible with the improved dynamics of loop quantum cosmology in the decoupled LTB sector. We compare it with several effective polymerized models recently introduced in the context of loop quantum gravity and gain some new insights into the presence of shocks.
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Gyroscopes orbiting gargantuan black holes - VIRTUAL
Lisa Drummond Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Extreme mass-ratio binary black hole systems, known as EMRIs, are expected to radiate low-frequency gravitational waves detectable by planned space-based Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). We hope to use these systems to probe black hole spacetimes in exquisite detail and make precision measurements of supermassive black hole properties. Accurate models using general relativistic perturbation theory will allow us to unlock the potential of these unique systems. Such models must include post-geodesic corrections, which account for forces driving the smaller black hole away from a geodesic trajectory. When a spinning body orbits a black hole, its spin couples to the curvature of the background spacetime, introducing post-geodesic correction called the spin-curvature force. In this talk, I will present our calculation of EMRI waveforms that include both spin-curvature forces and the leading backreaction due to gravitational radiation. We use a near-identity transformation to eliminate dependence on the orbital phases, allowing for very fast computation of completely generic worldlines of spinning bodies; such efficiency is crucial for LISA data analysis. Finally, I will discuss what aspects still need to be included in future calculations so that we can use EMRIs for a new era of precision gravitational-wave astronomy, addressing outstanding puzzles in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental theoretical physics.
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Constraining a constant and tomographic Coupled Dark Energy model with low and high redshift probes
Lisa Goh CEA Saclay
The current ΛCDM concordance model has been widely successful in describing our Universe. However, crucial questions, such as the H0 tension, remain unanswered and are becoming increasingly critical with the continuous release of high-precision cosmological data. This has led to the exploration of modified ΛCDM models, one of them being the coupled quintessence, or Coupled Dark Energy (CDE) model. Here, we perform for the first time a tomographic analysis of coupled dark energy, where the coupling strength is parametrised and constrained in different redshift bins. We employ cosmic microwave background data from Planck, ACT and SPT, showing the impact of different choices that can be made in combining these datasets. Then, we use a range of low redshift probes to test CDE cosmologies, both for a constant and a tomographic coupling. In particular, we use for the first time data from weak lensing, galaxy clustering, and 3x2pt galaxy-galaxy lensing cross-correlation data. For CMB and background datasets, a tomographic coupling allows for β values up to one order of magnitude larger than in previous works, in particular at z < 1. The use of 3x2pt analysis then becomes important to constrain β at low redshifts, even when coupling is allowed to vary: for 3x2pt we find, at 0.5 < z < 1, β = 0.018+0.007 −0.011, comparable to what CMB and background datasets would give for a constant coupling. This makes upcoming galaxy surveys potentially powerful probes to test CDE models at low redshifts.
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Monster Lie Algebra: Friend or Foe?
Maryam Khaqan Emory University
The Monster Lie Algebra $\mathfrak m$ has two well-known avatars: It is a Borcherds' algebra that is also a quotient of the physical space of a specific tensor product of vertex algebras. In this talk, I will discuss a construction of vertex algebra elements that project to bases for subalgebras of $\mathfrak m$ isomorphic to $\mathfrak{gl}_2$, corresponding to each of the imaginary simple roots of the Monster Lie algebra.
Furthermore, for a fixed imaginary simple root, I will illustrate how the action of the Monster simple group on the Moonshine module induces an action of the Monster group on the set of the $\mathfrak{gl}_2$ subalgebras constructed this way. I will discuss this action and related open questions.
This talk is based on joint work with Darlayne Addabbo, Lisa Carbone, Elizabeth Jurisich, and Scott H. Murray.
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Non-abelian symmetries can increase entanglement and induce critical dynamics
Shayan Majidy Harvard University
Measuring the temperature of your coffee should not change the amount of coffee in your cup. This holds because the operators representing the coffee’s energy and volume commute. The intuitive assumption that conserved quantities, also known as charges, commute, underpins basic physics derivations, like that of the thermal state's form and Onsager coefficients. Yet, operators' failure to commute plays a key role in quantum theory, e.g. underlying uncertainty relations. Lifting this assumption has spawned a growing subfield of quantum many-body physics [1].
How can one argue that charges’ noncommutation caused a result? To isolate the effects of charges’ noncommutation, we created analogous models that differ in whether their charges commute and discovered more entanglement in the noncommuting-charge model [2]. We further introduce noncommuting charges (an SU(2) symmetry) into monitored quantum circuits, circuits with unitary evolutions and mid-circuit projective measurements. Numerically, we find that the SU(2)-symmetric model has a critical phase in place of the area-law phase typically found in these circuits [3]. I will focus on the results from Ref 2 and 3. Time permitting, I'll briefly explain how one can use Lie Algebra theory to build the Hamiltonians necessary for testing the predictions of noncommuting charge physics [4].
[1] Majidy et al. "Noncommuting conserved charges in quantum thermodynamics and beyond." Nat Rev Phys (2023)
[2] Majidy et al. "Non-Abelian symmetry can increase entanglement entropy.” PRB (2023)
[3] Majidy et al. "Critical phase and spin sharpening in SU(2)-symmetric monitored quantum circuits." PRB (2023)
[4] Yunger Halpern and Majidy “How to build Hamiltonians that transport noncommuting charges in quantum thermodynamics” npj QI (2022)---
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Equilibrium dynamics of infinite-range quantum spin glasses in a field - VIRTUAL
Maria Tikhanovskaya Harvard University
We determine the low-energy spectrum and Parisi replica symmetry breaking function for the spin glass phase of the quantum Ising model with infinite-range random exchange interactions and transverse and longitudinal (h) fields. We show that, for all h, the spin glass state has full replica symmetry breaking, and the local spin spectrum is gapless with a spectral density which vanishes linearly with frequency. These results are obtained using an action functional - argued to yield exact results at low frequencies - that expands in powers of a spin glass order parameter, which is bilocal in time, and a matrix in replica space. We also present the exact solution of the infinite-range spherical quantum p-rotor model at nonzero h: here, the spin glass state has one-step replica symmetry breaking, and gaplessness only appears after imposition of an additional marginal stability condition.
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Can one region of space encode another?
Charlie Cummings University of Pennsylvania
Using a novel version of the gravitational path integral for compact spatial regions at a moment of time symmetry, I argue that a region of space can encode a larger one. In particular, I show that the entanglement entropy of a region of space equals the area of the boundary of the smallest region that contains it. The key insight is to include the effects of the gravitational edge modes associated with the region in the path integral. This result is consistent with a recent conjecture by Bousso and Penington.
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Probing exotic energy injection with the CMB and early star formation
Wenzer Qin MIT
Dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles can inject energy at early times, altering the standard evolution of the early universe. In particular, this energy injection can perturb the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) away from that of a perfect blackbody, alter the CMB anisotropy spectrum, and affect processes by which the first stars form. For this study, I will discuss recent work to upgrade the DarkHistory code package to more carefully track interactions among low energy electrons, hydrogen atoms, and radiation, in order to accurately compute the evolution of the CMB spectral distortion in the presence of Dark Matter energy injection. I will show results for the contribution to the spectral distortions from redshifts z < 3000 for arbitrary energy injection scenarios, new CMB anisotropy constraints on light dark matter, as well as the effect of exotic energy injection on early star formation.
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