Displaying 97 - 108 of 4905
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Generalized tensors and partial traces over quantum networks
Pablo Arrighi Université Paris-Sarclay and Inria
Emergent classicality, relativistic causality, and quantum causal structure
Nick Ormrod University of Oxford
Which causal scenarios might support non-classical correlations?
Shashaank Khanna University of York
Zero Inflation as a Missing Data Problem: a Proxy-based Approach
Trung Phung Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering
Relating Wigner's Friend Scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning
Yìlè Yīng Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Modeling Latent Selection with Structural Causal Models
Leihao Chen University of Amsterdam, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics
Counterfactual and Graphical Frameworks for Causal Modeling
Thomas Richardson University of Washington
Tutorial: Causal Inference Meets Quantum Physics
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics