Format results
Formal derived stack and Formal localization
Michel Vaquie Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, IRSAMC, Université Paul Sabatier
An overview of derived analytic geometry
Mauro Porta Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Categorification of shifted symplectic geometry using perverse sheaves
Dominic Joyce University of Oxford
Shifted structures and quantization
Tony Pantev University of Pennsylvania
What is the Todd class of an orbifold?
Andrei Caldararu University of Wisconsin–Madison
Singular support of categories
Dima Arinkin University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Symplectic and Lagrangian structures on mapping stacks
Theodore Spaide Universität Wien
The Maslov cycle and the J-homomorphism
David Treumann Boston College
Welcome to “Mathematica Summer School”
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Horacio Casini Bariloche Atomic Centre
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Ground state entanglement and tensor networks
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Holographic entanglement entropy
Robert Myers Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A new tangential structure for type IIA string theory
Matthew Yu University of Oxford
Production of Solar Scalars
Anne Davis University of Cambridge
Probing quantum gravity at all scales
Astrid Eichhorn University of Southern Denmark
Simulating a Quantised Black Hole
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Town Hall - Fundamental aspects of Modified gravity
Adam Solomon, Andrew Tolley, Astrid Eichhorn, Sergey Sibiryakov
Deformation Quantization of Shifted Poisson Structures
Deformation Quantization of Shifted Poisson Structures
Non-vanishing of quantum geometric Whittaker coefficients
We will discuss the functor of geometric Whittaker coefficients in the context of quantum geometric Langlands. We will prove that tempered twisted D-modules on the stack of G-bundles on a smooth projective curve have non-vanishing Whittaker coefficients. Roughly, this means that a certain natural subcategory of twisted D-modules on the stack of G-bundles can be controlled by the category of twisted D-modules on the Beilinson-Drinfeld affine Grassmannian. The proof will combine generalizations of representation-theoretic and microlocal methods from the preceding works of Faergeman-Raskin and Nadler-Taylor respectively.
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
The spin-statistics theorem for TFTs
Luuk StehouwerIn quantum field theory (QFT) the spin-statistics theorem says that in a unitary QFT, a particle has half-integer spin if and only if it is a fermion. I show how to phrase this statement in the language of functorial field theories. More precisely, I explain when a functorial field theory "has fermions" and "has spinors" and when they are "related". I will then restrict to topological field theories (TFTs) and define unitary TFTs. There are counterexamples of the spin-statistics theorem for non-unitary TFTs. I will prove that every unitary TFT satisfies the spin-statistics theorem.
Categories of line defects and cohomological Hall algebras
BPS line defects in 4d N=2 supersymmetric QFT are described by a monoidal category with a list of desired properties. For example, the Grothendieck group of this category is supposed to coincide with quantization of functions on Coulomb branch of the theory compactified on a circle. Based on an observation, that at a given vacuum the spectrum of PBS particles can be quipped with an algebra structure – cohomological Hall algebra of the corresponding BPS quiver – we propose a category generated by certain bimodules over this algebra that possesses expected properties of the category of lines. Based on a joint work with Davide Gaiotto and Wei Li.
A new tangential structure for type IIA string theory
Matthew Yu University of Oxford
The Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation condition says that the target space of heterotic string theory must come with a string structure for the theory to be consistent. In this talk we discuss a new tangential structure called string^h, first introduced by Devalapurkar, as a spin^c analogue of string. We will show that the spectrum of string^h has the notable property that it orients tmf_1(n), just like how the spectrum of string orients tmf, by the work of Ando-Hopkins-Rezk. Finally we will show that the anomaly of the partition function of type IIA, studied by Diaconescu-Moore-Witten induces a string^h structure on the target space of type IIA, in parallel to the Green-Schwarz anomaly for heterotic string theory, and discuss applications for anomaly cancellation. This is joint work in progress with Arun Debray.
Production of Solar Scalars
Anne Davis University of Cambridge
I will first introduce screened modified gravity theories and then discuss the chameleon mechanism. Light scalars can be produced from the sun and detected on earth. I will discuss the production of chameleons, including novel production channels, and discuss potential detection in helioscopes. -
Probing quantum gravity at all scales
Astrid Eichhorn University of Southern Denmark
Simulating a Quantised Black Hole
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Town Hall - Fundamental aspects of Modified gravity
Adam Solomon, Andrew Tolley, Astrid Eichhorn, Sergey SibiryakovLead: Jerome Quintin