Format results
Critical points and spectral curves
Nigel Hitchin University of Oxford
Generalizing Quivers: Bows, Slings, Monowalls
Sergey Cherkis University of Arizona
Nahm transformation for parabolic harmonic bundles on the projective line with regular residues
Szilard Szabo Budapest University of Technology and Economics
A mathematical definition of 3d indices
Tudor Dimofte University of Edinburgh
Perverse Hirzebruch y-genus of Higgs moduli spaces
Tamas Hausel Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Motivic Classes for Moduli of Connections
Alexander Soibelman University of Southern California
BPS algebras and twisted character varieties
Ben Davison University of Edinburgh
Formal derived stack and Formal localization
Michel Vaquie Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, IRSAMC, Université Paul Sabatier
An overview of derived analytic geometry
Mauro Porta Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Categorification of shifted symplectic geometry using perverse sheaves
Dominic Joyce University of Oxford
Shifted structures and quantization
Tony Pantev University of Pennsylvania
What is the Todd class of an orbifold?
Andrei Caldararu University of Wisconsin–Madison
Singular support of categories
Dima Arinkin University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Symplectic and Lagrangian structures on mapping stacks
Theodore Spaide Universität Wien
The Maslov cycle and the J-homomorphism
David Treumann Boston College
Welcome to “Mathematica Summer School”
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Horacio Casini Bariloche Atomic Centre
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Ground state entanglement and tensor networks
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Holographic entanglement entropy
Robert Myers Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A 3d integrable field theory with 2-Kac-Moody algebra symmetry (Virtual)
Hank Chen University of Waterloo
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Hitchin Systems in Mathematics and Physics
Hitchin Systems in Mathematics and Physics
Deformation Quantization of Shifted Poisson Structures
Deformation Quantization of Shifted Poisson Structures
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A 3d integrable field theory with 2-Kac-Moody algebra symmetry (Virtual)
Hank Chen University of Waterloo
This talk is based on my recent joint works arXiv:2405.18625, arXiv:2307.03831 with Joaquin Liniado and Florian Girelli.
Based on Lie 2-groups, I will introduce a 3d topological-holomorphic integrable field theory W, which can be understood as a higher-dimensional version of the Wess-Zumino-Witten model. By studying its higher currents and holonomies, it is revealed that W is related to both the raviolo VOAs of Garner- Williams --- a type of derived higher quantum algebra --- and the lasagna modules of Manolescu-Walker-Wedrich --- a type of 4d higher-skein invariant. I will then analyze the Noether charges of W, and prove that its symmetries are encoded by a derived version of the Kac-Moody algebra. If time allows, I will discuss how W enjoys a certain notion of "higher Lax integrability". -
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Mathematical Physics, PHYS 777-
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics