Search results
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Wilsonian and Large N Approaches to Non-Fermi Liquids
Liam Fitzpatrick Boston University
PIRSA:14050095 -
Sudakov Form Factor and Von-Hove Singularities
Ira Rothstein Carnegie Mellon University
PIRSA:14050096 -
Quantum Magnetic Phenomena: From QCD to Dirac semimetals
Igor Shovkovy Western Illinois University
PIRSA:14050099 -
Visualizing Quantum Matter
PIRSA:14050100 -
Effective field theory of two-dimensional nonrelativistic chiral superfluid
Sergej Moroz University of Washington
PIRSA:14050101 -
Some Exact Results for Conformal Field Theories in d>2
Zohar Komargodski Stony Brook University
New Vacuum and Representation For Loop Quantum Gravity
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:14050119 -
Entanglement and Edge Modes in Gauge Theory and Gravity
PIRSA:14050122 -
Phases for (analogue) spin foam models
Sebastian Steinhaus Friedrich Schiller University Jena
PIRSA:14050124 -
Asymptotic safety – a quantum theory of gravity and matter
Astrid Eichhorn Universität Heidelberg
PIRSA:14050125 -
Positive Energy in Quantum Gravity
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Light-Cone Effects after Quantum Quenches and Excitations at Finite Entropy
Fabian Essler University of Oxford
PIRSA:14050072 -
Long-time behavior of periodically driven isolated interacting quantum systems
Luca D'Alessio Boston University
PIRSA:14050073 -
Gapless spin liquids in frustrated Heisenberg models
Federico Becca SISSA International School for Advanced Studies
Localization and topology protected quantum coherence at the edge of 'hot' matter
Ehud Altman University of California, Berkeley
Recent advances in the search for complementary sequences
Ilias Kotsireas Wilfrid Laurier University
PIRSA:14050040 -
Simulating the Capture and Translocation of Rigid fd Viruses though a Nanopore
Hendrick de Hann University of Ontario Institute of Technology
PIRSA:14050036 -
Exotic Magnetism on the FCC Lattice of 5dn Double Perovskites
Edwin Kermarrec McMaster University
PIRSA:14050026 -
Renormalization Group Analysis of a Non-Fermi Liquid System
Ipsita Mandal Shiv Nadar University
PIRSA:14050014 -
Non-Abelian String and Particle Braiding in 3+1D Topological Order
Juven Wang Harvard University
PIRSA:14050015 -
Experimental Sightings of the Quantum Spin Liquid
Young Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
PIRSA:14050016 -
Fractionalized Charge Excitations in a Spin Liquid on Partially-Filled
Gang Chen Fudan University
Recent developments in asymptotic safety: tests and properties
Tim Morris University of Southampton
PIRSA:14040085 -
What you always wanted to know about CDT, but did not have time to read about in our papers
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
PIRSA:14040086 -
Renormalization of group field theories: motivations and a brief review
Daniele Oriti Complutense University of Madrid
PIRSA:14040088 -
Quantum Spacetime Engineering
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:14040089 -
What are the most pressing open questions in the application of the RG to gravity?
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Simone Speziale Aix-Marseille University
PIRSA:14040090 -
Perturbative quantum gravity calculations and running couplings
John Donoghue University of Massachusetts Amherst
PIRSA:14040091 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 14
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040040 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 13
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040039 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 12
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040038 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 11
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040037 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 10
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040036 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 9
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040032 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 8
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:14040031 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter - Lecture 7
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Results from BICEP 2
Christopher Sheehy University of Chicago - Department of Physics
PIRSA:14040131 -
Prospects for Future Measurements
Douglas Scott University of British Columbia
Mark Halpern University of British Columbia
Barth Netterfield University of Toronto
Rachel Bean Cornell University
Matt Dobbs McGill University
PIRSA:14040122 -
B modes for galaxy surveys
Marc Kamionkowski Johns Hopkins University - Department of Physics & Astronomy
PIRSA:14040123 -
Early Universe phenomenology after BICEP
Matias Zaldarriaga Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
PIRSA:14040125 -
Gravity waves, large-field inflation, and string theory
Eva Silverstein Stanford University
PIRSA:14040126 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 14
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14040071 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 13
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14040070 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 12
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14040069 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 11
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14040068 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 10
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14040016 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 9
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14030058 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 8
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
PIRSA:14030055 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory - Lecture 7
Brian Shuve Harvey Mudd College
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 15
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14040021 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 14
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14040020 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 13
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14040018 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 12
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14040017 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 11
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14030073 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 10
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14030070 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 9
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:14030069 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory - Lecture 8
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 15
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14040012 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 14
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14040011 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 13
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14040010 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 12
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14040009 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 11
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14030043 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 10
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14030040 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 9
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:14030039 -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 8
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists
Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists -
Compute Ontario Research Day
Compute Ontario Research Day 2014 -
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Physics Symposium 2014
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Physics Symposium 2014 -
Renormalization Group Approaches to Quantum Gravity
Renormalization Group Approaches to Quantum Gravity Conference - Apr. 22-25th -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Condensed Matter -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Cosmology
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Cosmology -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Particle Theory -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory
13/14 PSI - Explorations in String Theory -
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information
13/14 PSI - Explorations in Quantum Information