DescriptionThis series consists of weekly discussion sessions on foundations of quantum theory and quantum information theory. The sessions start with an informal exposition of an interesting topic, research result or important question in the field. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate with questions and comments.
Displaying 421 - 428 of 428
Format results
Disentangling quantum systems: a new perspective in computational quantum physics
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Quantum Mechanics from Gauge Theory
Steven Weinberg University of Texas - Austin
Alice falls into a black hole: Entanglement in non-inertial frames
Ivette Fuentes University of Southampton
Contextuality for Preparations, Transformations, and Unsharp Measurements
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Discrete Wigner Functions and Quantum Computation
Ernesto Galvao Universidade Federal Fluminense