My field is the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular Bohmian mechanics, a non-relativistic theory that is empirically equivalent to standard quantum mechanics while solving all of its paradoxes in an elegant and simple way, essentially by assuming that particles have trajectories. Bohmian mechanics possesses a straightforward generalization to relativistic space-time, be it flat or curved, if one assumption against the spirit of relativity is granted: the existence of a "time foliation", i.e., a physical object mathematically represented by a slicing of space-time into spacelike 3-surfaces, which evolves according to a Lorentz-invariant law. On the basis of this kind of theory, describing particles in a background 4-geometry, I propose an extension in which the space-time geometry is dynamically generated, as in general relativity. Whether my model is empirically equivalent to any known type of quantum gravity I don't know. In this model, there is a Lorentzian metric on configuration-space-time, evolving according to the higher-dimensional analog of the Einstein field equation. The 4-metric is obtained from the configuration-space-time metric and the actual particle configuration. Thus, this Bohm-like model generates (up to diffeomorphisms) a 4-metric and particle world lines from a given wave function.