Displaying 4597 - 4608 of 5002
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Symmetry and global independence in classical and quantum theories
Ben Toner Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Topological Quantum Computation: anyons, quantum symmetries and topological order
Sander Bais Universiteit van Amsterdam
PIRSA:07110002 -
Z\' mediation of supersymmetry breaking
Itay Yavin McMaster University
Estimating Jones polynomials is a complete problem for one clean qubit.
Stephen Jordan National Institute of Standards & Technology
d=3 SIC POVMs and Elliptic Curves
Lane Hughston Imperial College London
Constraints on scale dependent non-Gaussianity
Sarah Shandera Pennsylvania State University
Wilson loops in 4d SYM, in 2d YM and in 0d
Nadav Drukker King's College London
Analytic, non-perturbative, almost exact QED
Herbert Fried Brown University