Displaying 2185 - 2196 of 5007
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Computational Frameworks for Quantum Gravity and Beyond
David Rideout University of California, San Diego
HIRAX: The Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment
Jon Sievers McGill University - Department of Physics
What is chaos, and what does it have to do with black holes and gravitational waves?
Nathan Leigh American Museum of Natural History
Alphabits, Teleportation and Black Holes
Geoffrey Penington Stanford University
A walk through quantum field theory
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Asymptotic Fragility, Near AdS2 Holography and T\barT deformation
Victor Gorbenko Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Forging Heavy Elements with Primordial Black Holes
Volodymyr Takhistov University of California, Los Angeles
Entanglement Measures in Quantum Field Theory
Stefan Hollands Universität Leipzig