Format results
Karol Zyczkowski Jagiellonian University
Theories with indefinite causal structure
Ding Jia Toward a theory of everything
Bright nanoscale source of highly entangled photon pairs
Michael Reimer Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Quantum spaces are modular (continued)
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum spaces are modular
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A conceptual viewpoint on information decomposition
Paolo Perrone Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Fault-tolerant quantum error correction with non-abelian anyons
David Poulin Université de Sherbrooke
The Relativity Principle in Quantum Mechanics
Jacques Pienaar University of Massachusetts Boston
Device-independent characterizations of states used in quantum experiments
Analyzing characteristics of an unknown quantum system in a device-independent manner, i.e., using only the measurement statistics, is a fundamental task in quantum physics and quantum information theory. For example, device-independence is a very important feature in the study of quantum cryptography where the quantum devices may not be trusted. In this talk, I will discuss the ability to characterize the state that Alice and Bob share in various physical scenarios using only the correlation data. I first give a lower bound on the dimension of the underlying Hilbert spaces required by Alice and Bob to generate a given correlation in the Bell scenario. Also, I give two properties that the Schmidt coefficients of their shared state must satisfy. I’ll provide examples showing that our results can be tight, and examine when the shared pure state is characterized completely. Lastly, I will discuss these ideas in the Prepare-and-Measure scenario.
This is joint work with Antonios Varvitsiotis and Zhaohui Wei.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 060401,
Phys. Rev. A, to appear. (ArXiv:1606.03878),
Karol Zyczkowski Jagiellonian University
A geometric approach to investigation of quantum entanglement is advocated.
We discuss first the geometry of the (N^2-1)--dimensional convex body
of mixed quantum states acting on an N--dimensional Hilbert space
and study projections of this set into 2- and 3-dimensional spaces.
For composed dimensions, N=K^2, one consideres the subset
of separable states and shows that it has a positive measure.
Analyzing its properties contributes to our understanding of
quantum entanglement and its time evolution. -
Theories with indefinite causal structure
Ding Jia Toward a theory of everything
To describe observed phenomena in the lab and to apply superposition principle to gravity, quantum theory needs to be generalized to incorporate indefinite causal structure. Practically, indefinite causal structure offers advantage in communication and computation. Fundamentally, superposing causal structure is one approach to quantize gravity (spacetime metric is equivalent to causal structure plus conformal factor, so quantizing causal structure effectively quantizes gravity).
We develop a framework to do Operational Probabilistic Theories (OPT) with indefinite causal structure. For the interest of quantum gravity, this framework gives a general prescription to quantize causal structure, assuming linearity is intact. For the interest of quantum foundations, this framework can support new experimental tests about the validity of quantum theory in complex Hilbert space. It also offers opportunities for constructing new OPT models to substitute ordinary quantum theory. Along this direction, we identify principles that single out the complex Hilbert space theory within the general framework.
Bright nanoscale source of highly entangled photon pairs
Michael Reimer Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
The on-demand generation of bright entangled photon pairs is highly needed in quantum optics and emerging quantum information applications. However, a quantum light source combining both high fidelity and on-demand bright emission has proven elusive with current leading photon technologies. In this work we present a new bright nanoscale source of strongly entangled photon pairs generated with a position controlled nanowire quantum dot. The major breakthrough in the nanowire growth to achieve both bright photon emission and highly entangled photon pairs will be discussed [2, 3]. Recent experiments show the entanglement fidelity approaching unity, while enhancing the photon pair efficiency beyond state-of-the-art. We further demonstrate violation of the famous Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality in the traditional linear basis [4]. This is the first bright nanoscale source of entangled photon pairs capable of violating Bell`s inequalities, opening up future experiments in quantum optics and developments in quantum information applications.
For long-distance quantum communication we convert polarization entangled photons generated by a single quantum dot into time-bin entangled photons by sending them through a polarization-time-bin interface [5]. Importantly, this conversion is performed without loss of entanglement strength. Time-bin entanglement is more robust for long-distance quantum communication than polarization entanglement, since time-bin entangled photons are insensitive to thermal and mechanical disturbances in optical fibers.
[1] M. A. M. Versteegh, M. E Reimer, K. D Jöns, D. Dalacu, P. J. Poole, A. Gulinatti, A. Giudice, and V. Zwiller, Nature Commun. 5, 5298 (2014).
[2] D. Dalacu, K. Mnaymneh, J. Lapointe, X. Wu, P. J. Poole, G. Bulgarini, V. Zwiller, and M. E. Reimer, Nano Lett. 12 (11), 5919-5923 (2012).
[3] M. E. Reimer et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 195316 (2016).
[4] K. D. Jöns et al., arXiv:1510.03897 (2015).
[5] M. A. M. Versteegh, M. E. Reimer, A. A. van den Berg, G. Juska, V. Dimastrodonato, A. Gocalinska, E. Pelucchi, and V. Zwiller, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033802 (2015).
Quantum spaces are modular (continued)
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum spaces are modular
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
In this talk I will review the construction of space starting purely from quantum mechanics and without assuming that the notion of space is attached to a preconceived notion of classical reality. I will show that if one start with the simplest notion of a quantum system encoded into the Heisenberg group algebra one naturally obtain a notion of space that generalizes the usual notion of Euclidean space. Along the way I will try to illustrate how this notion is in a way going back to the roots of the discovery of QM by Heisenberg-Born-Jordan which never made it past the original papers and giving a critical reading of the subsequent interpretation of space and QM that were put forward by Schrodinger and von Neumann. The notion of space that emerge from quantum mechanics is naturally modular in the sense of Aharonov, it also naturally possess a built-in length scale and renders possible to assign a new notion of locality to non-local superpositions. I will illustrate how such space can allow reconciliation of relativity with the presence of a fundamental scale.
I will show how to construct such spaces following the original analysis by Mackay and also show that such modular spaces possess a beautiful geometrical structure that generalizes Riemanian geometry to phase space. A geometry we have named Born geometry. I hope this will open wild speculations on the nature of locality in the presence of quantum mechanics and more broadly the nature of classical reality viewed from a quantum perspective.
A conceptual viewpoint on information decomposition
Paolo Perrone Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Can we decompose the information of a composite system into terms arising from its parts and their interactions?
For a bipartite system (X,Y), the joint entropy can be written as an algebraic sum of three terms: the entropy of X alone, the entropy of Y alone, and the mutual information of X and Y, which comes with an opposite sign. This suggests a set-theoretical analogy: mutual information is a sort of "intersection", and joint entropy is a sort of "union".
The same picture cannot be generalized to three or more parts in a straightforward way, and the problem is still considered open. Is there a deep reason for why the set-theoretical analogy fails?
Category theory can give an alternative, conceptual point of view on the problem. As Shannon already noted, information appears to be related to symmetry. This suggests a natural lattice structure for information, which is compatible with a set-theoretical picture only for bipartite systems.
The categorical approach favors objects with a structure in place of just numbers to describe information quantities. We hope that this can clarify the mathematical structure underlying information theory, and leave it open to wider generalizations. -
Fault-tolerant quantum error correction with non-abelian anyons
David Poulin Université de Sherbrooke
Non-abelian anyons have drawn much interest due to their suspected existence in two-dimensional condensed matter systems and for their potential applications in quantum computation. In particular, a quantum computation can in principle be realized by braiding and fusing certain non-abelian anyons. These operations are expected to be intrinsically robust due to their topological nature. Provided the system is kept at a
temperature T lower than the spectral gap, the density of thermal excitations is suppressed by an exponential Boltzman factor. In contrast to the topological protection however, this thermal protection is not scalable: thermal excitations do appear at constant density for any non-zero temperature and so their presence is unavoidable as the size of the computation increases. Thermally activated anyons can corrupt the encoded
data by braiding or fusing with the computational anyons.
In the present work, we generalize a fault-tolerant scheme introduced by Harrington for the toric-code to the setting of non-cyclic modular anyons. We prove that the quantum information encoded in the fusion space of a non-abelian anyon system can be preserved for arbitrarily long times with poly-log overhead. In particular, our model accounts for noise processes which lead to the creation of anyon pairs from the vacuum, anyon diffusion, anyon fusion as well as errors in topological charge measurements.
Related Arxiv #: arXiv:1607.02159 -
The Relativity Principle in Quantum Mechanics
Jacques Pienaar University of Massachusetts Boston
In order to solve the problem of quantum gravity, we first need to pose the problem. In this talk I will argue that the problem of quantum gravity arises already in the domain of quantum mechanics and the relativity principle. Specifically, the relativity principle implies that the concept of inertial motion should extend also to those systems that are in quantum superpositions of inertial motions. By contrast, relativistic quantum field theory only considers the point of view of classical observers in states of definite relative motion (i.e. the observers of a quantum field do not include inertial observers in quantum superpositions). The problem is that, if we extend the class of inertial observers to include quantum observers, the manifold of local events becomes ill-defined, as `locality' itself becomes an observer-relative property of an event. Thus, the Relativity Principle and the Superposition Principle are jointly opposed to the concept of a space-time manifold of local events, and our understanding of relativistic quantum theory needs to be revised before gravity even enters the picture.
Advances in quantum query complexity
I will describe some of the recent progress in quantum query complexity, including super-quadratic separations between classical and quantum measures for total functions, a better understanding of the power of some lower bound techniques, and insight into when we should expect exponential quantum speedups for partial functions.
Quantum logic is undecidable
Tobias Fritz Universität Innsbruck
I will explain and prove the statement of the title. The proof relies on a recent result of Slofstra in combinatorial group theory and the hypergraph approach to contextuality.
Based on
Tsirelson's problem and linear system games
In quantum information, we frequently consider (for instance, whenever we talk about entanglement) a composite system consisting of two separated subsystems. A standard axiom of quantum mechanics states that a composite system can be modeled as the tensor product of the two subsystems. However, there is another less restrictive way to model a composite system, which is used in quantum field theory: we can require only that the algebras of observables for each subsystem commute within some larger subalgebra. For finite-dimensional systems, these two axioms are equivalent, but this is not necessarily true for infinite-dimensional systems. Tsirelson's question (which comes in several variants) asks whether the correlations arising from commuting-operator models can always be represented by tensor-product models. I will give examples of linear system non-local games which cannot be played perfectly with tensor-product strategies, but can be played perfectly with commuting-operator strategies, resolving (one version of) Tsirelson's question in the negative. From these examples, we can also derive other consequences for the theory of non-local games, such as the undecidability of determining whether a non-local game has a perfect quantum strategy.