Displaying 193 - 204 of 680
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Spectral Line Intensity Mapping of Cosmic Structures
Tzu-Ching Chang National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Uncovering the nature of dark matter with stellar streams in the Milky Way
Ana Bonaca Carnegie Institution for Science
VIPERS: Probing the growth of structure at z~1
Faizan Mohammad British Columbia Ferry Services Inc
Testing Gravity on Large Scales with New Lensing Probes
Anthony Pullen New York University (NYU)
Weighing neutrinos with cosmological observables
Francisco Navarro University of Trieste
Wavefunction of the Universe Circa the Beginning (and its past & future)
Itzhak Bars University of Southern California
CMB Foregrounds: Problems, Parameterizations, and Progress
Colin Hill Columbia University
Lensing reconstruction using line intensity maps
Simon Foreman Arizona State University
Prospects for CMB lensing-galaxy clustering cross-correlations and initial condition reconstruction
Marcel Schmittfull Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Constraints on Interacting Massive High Spins
Kurt Hinterbichler Case Western Reserve University