Format results
Searching for Light Bosons with Black Hole Superradiance
Savas Dimopoulos Stanford University
Superradiant instabilities and rotating black holes
Sam Dolan University of Southampton
PIRSA:18050028 -
Superradiant instabilities and rotating black holes
Avery Broderick University of Waterloo
Measuring Stellar-Mass Black Hole Spins via X-ray Spectroscopy
James Steiner Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Superradiance Beyond the Linear Regime
Frans Pretorius Princeton University
Characterization of compact objects with present and future ground-based gravitational-wave detectors
Salvatore Vitale Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
LIGO and Virgo continuous wave searches - Overview and all-sky searches
keith Riles University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
Directed and targeted searches for continuous gravitational waves
Sylvia Zhu Albert Einstein Institute
Attosecond Quantum Spectroscopy Measurement
David Villeneuve National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Efficient Preparation of Nontrivial Quantum States
Timothy Hsieh Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Time And Gravity Measurement
Pierre Dube National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Canadian Astronomy Data Center: Tools and Analytics for Large Data Sets
Sebastien Fabbro National Research Council Canada (NRC)
SI Unit Fundamental Measurements
Angela Gamouras National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Barry Wood National Research Council Canada (NRC)
PIRSA:18050045 -
Quantum speedup in testing causal hypotheses
Giulio Chiribella University of Hong Kong (HKU)
The Logic of Physical Law
Stefan Wolf Università della Svizzera italiana
On the concepts of universality in physics and computer science
Gemma De Las Cuevas Universität Innsbruck
A no-go theorem for observer-independent facts
Časlav Brukner Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Algorithmic information theory: a critical perspective
Tom Sterkenburg Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiät München (LMU)
Wavefunction branches as a foundation for constructing foil theories
Jess Riedel NTT Research
PIRSA:18040082 -
Compatibility of implicit and explicit observers in quantum theory and beyond
Thomas Galley Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
PIRSA:18040084 -
From observers to physics via algorithmic information theory I
Markus Müller Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
PIRSA:18040078 -
From observers to physics via algorithmic information theory II
Markus Müller Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
PIRSA:18040080 -
Motility of the internal-external cut as a foundational principle
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040073 -
Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself
Renato Renner ETH Zurich
PIRSA:18040085 -
Data Mists, Blockchain Republics, and the Moon Shot
Simon DeDeo Indiana University
Like penguins on an ice floe: The scary business of adopting open science practices
Benedikt Fecher Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Collaborative Knowledge Ratchets and Fermat's Library
Jess Riedel NTT Research
Luis Batalha Fermat's Library
PIRSA:18030101 -
What’s not to like? Open science will fail unless it takes the costs seriously
Rosie Redfield University of British Columbia
Gauge Theory, Geometric Langlands, and All That
Edward Witten Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Overview of the global Langlands correspondence
Dima Arinkin University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gauge theory, vertex algebras and quantum Geometric Langland dualities
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Introduction to local geometric Langlands
Sam Raskin The University of Texas at Austin
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
The significance of the proper time in the quantum mechanics of the gravitational field.
Claudio Bunster Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECs)
Viatcheslav Mukhanov Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Semi-classical evaluation of the 3D gravity path integral and quasi-local holography
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Emil Mottola Los Alamos National Laboratory
An asymptotically safe point of view on the gravitational path integral
Astrid Eichhorn Universität Heidelberg
The path integral for gravity and Fedosov quantization
Stefan Hollands Universität Leipzig
Surprises in the Path Integral for Gravity
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
Quantifying the evidence for black holes with GW and EM probes
Paolo Pani Instituto Superior Tecnico - Departamento de Física
Echoes from the Abyss: Tentative Evidence for Planck-Scale Structure at Black Hole Horizons
Jahed Abedi University of Stavanger (UiS)
Improvements on the methods for searching echoes
Julian Westerweck Albert Einstein Institute
A model-independent search for gravitational-wave echoes
Archisman Ghosh Institucio Catalana de Recerca I Estudis Avancats (ICREA) - Universitat de Barcelona
An alternative significance estimation for the evidence for echoes
Alex Nielsen Albert Einstein Institute
Discussion: Evidence for Echoes
PIRSA:17110074 -
Inspiral Tests of Strong-field Gravity and Ringdown Tests of Quantum Black Holes
Kent Yagi University of Virginia
A Recipe for Echoes
Aaron Zimmerman The University of Texas at Austin
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute
A three-dimensional optical lattice clock: precision at the 19th digit
Edward Marti University of Colorado Boulder
Measurement of the fine structure constant as a test of the standard model
Holger Mueller University of California, Berkeley
Superconducting accelerometer technology for precision tests of gravitation and search for new interactions
Ho Jung Paik University of Maryland, College Park
Searching for axions and new short-range forces with resonant sensors
Andrew Geraci University of Nevada Reno
Testing Gravity at Extreme Scales
Giorgio Gratta Stanford University
Precision Physics in Storage Rings
Yannis Semertzidis Institute for Basic Science - Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research
Semisimple Hopf algebras and fusion categories
Cesar Galindo Universidad de los Andes
The Hopf C*-algebraic quantum double models - symmetries beyond group theory
Andreas Bauer Freie Universität Berlin
Modular categories and the Witt group
Michael Mueger Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Topological Quantum Computation
Eric Rowell Texas A&M University
Gapped phases of matter vs. Topological field theories
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
An Introduction to Hopf Algebra Gauge Theory
Derek Wise University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Kitaev lattice models as a Hopf algebra gauge theory
Catherine Meusburger University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Topological defects and higher-categorical structures
Jurgen Fuchs Karlstad University
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Mechanics in a New Key
Simon Kochen Princeton University
What do we learn about quantum theory from Kochen-Specker quantum contextuality?
Adan Cabello Universidad de Sevilla
Noncontextuality: how we should define it, why it is natural, and what to do about its failure
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Towards a mathematical theory of contextuality
Samson Abramsky University of Oxford
Kochen-Specker contextuality: a hypergraph approach with operational equivalences
Ana Belen Sainz Gdańsk University of Technology
The contextual fraction as a measure of contextuality
Shane Mansfield University of Edinburgh
Nonlocality and contextuality as fine-tuning
Eric Cavalcanti Griffith University
CRESST Detectors for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics
Federica Petricca Max Planck Institute
Getting the Most out of Liquid Xenon
Rafael Lang Columbia University
Direct detection signals of light dark matter
Josef Pradler University of Vienna
Searching for New Particles with Black Hole Superradiance
Black hole superradiance is a fascinating process in general relativity and a unique window on ultralight particles beyond the standard model. Bosons -- such as axions and dark photons -- with Compton wavelengths comparable to size of astrophysical black holes grow exponentially to form large clouds spinning down the black hole in the process and produce monochromatic continuous gravitational wave radiation. In the era of gravitational wave astronomy and increasingly sensitive observations of astrophysical black holes and their properties superradiance of new light particles is a promising avenue to search for new physics in regimes inaccessible to terrestrial experiments. This workshop will bring together theorists data analysts and observers in particle physics gravitational wave astronomy strong gravity and high energy astrophysics to explore the signatures of black hole superradiance and to study the current and future possibilities of searching for new particles with black holes.
Algorithmic Information, Induction and Observers in Physics
Our universe is of astonishing simplicity: almost all physical observations can in principle be described by a few theories that have short mathematical descriptions. But there is a field of computer science which quantifies simplicity namely algorithmic information theory (AIT). In this workshop we will discuss emerging connections between AIT and physics some of which have recently shown up in fields like quantum information theory and thermodynamics. In particular AIT and physics share one goal: namely to predict future observations given previous data. In fact there exists a gold standard of prediction in AIT called Solomonoff induction which is also applied in artificial intelligence. This motivates us to look at a broader question: what is the role of induction in physics? For example can quantum states be understood as Bayesian states of belief? Can physics be understood as a computation in some sense? What is the role of the observer i.e. the agent that is supposed to perform the predictions? These and related topics will be discussed by a diverse group of researchers from different disciplines.
Observers in Quantum and Foil Theories
Foil theories sometimes called mathematically rigorous science fiction describe ways the world could have been were it not quantum mechanical. Our understanding of quantum theory has been deepened by contrasting it with these alternatives. So far observers in foil theories have only been modeled implicitly for example via the recorded probabilities of observing events. Even when multi-agent settings are considered these agents tend to be compatible in the classical sense that they could always compare their observations. Scenarios where agents and their memories are themselves modeled as physical systems within the theory (and could in particular measure each other as in Wigner's friend experiment) have not yet been considered. In this workshop we will investigate which foil theories allow for the existence of explicit observers and whether they allow for paradoxes in multi-agent settings such as those found in quantum theory. We will also investigate which interpretations of quantum theory would equally well interpret the foil theories and which interpretations are truly quantum. We will gain a deeper understanding of how this can happen by discussing appropriate definitions observers in these theories and seeing how such observers learn about their environment.
Open Research: Rethinking Scientific Collaboration
Scientific inquiry in the 21st century is beset with inefficiencies: a flood of papers not read theories not tested and experiments not repeated; a narrow research agenda driven by a handful of high-impact journals; a publishing industry that turns public funding into private profit; the exclusion of many scientists particularly in developing countries from cutting-edge research; and countless projects that are not completed for lack of skilled collaborators. These are all symptoms of a major communication bottleneck within the scientific community; the channels we rely on to share our ideas and findings especially peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings are inadequate to the scale and scope of modern science. The practice of open research doing science on a public platform that facilitates collaboration feedback and the spread of ideas addresses these concerns. Open-source science lowers barriers to entry catalyzing new discoveries. It fosters the real-time sharing of ideas across the globe favoring cooperative endeavor and complementarity of thought rather than wasteful competition. It reduces the influence of publishing monopolies enabling a new credit attribution model based on contributions made rather than references accrued. Overall it democratizes science while creating a new standard of prestige: quality of work instead of quantity of output. This workshop will bring together a diverse group of researchers from fields as diverse as physics biology computer science and sociology committed to open-source science. Together we will review the lessons learnt from various pioneering initiatives such as the Polymath project and Data for Democracy. We will discuss the opportunity to build a new tool similar to the software development platform GitHub to enable online collaborative science. We will consider the challenges associated with the adoption of such a tool by our peers and discuss ways to overcome them. Finally we will sketch a roadmap for the actual development of that tool.
Gauge Theory, Geometric Langlands and Vertex Operator Algebras
The workshop will explore the relation between boundary conditions in four-dimensional gauge theory the Geometric Langlands program and Vertex Operator Algebras.
The Path Integral for Gravity
Over the past three decades, the idea of a path integral over geometries, describing gravity in various dimensions, has become increasingly central to many areas of theoretical physics, including string and M-theory, holography and quantum aspects of black holes and cosmology.
In each of these areas, the path integral is frequently invoked as a formal device although, as practitioners will admit, except in very special cases the basic formula remains undefined. Typically, classical saddle points are discussed, whether real or complex, but the required integrals are left unperformed.
This state of affairs is untenable because it leaves the theory on a shaky footing and hence does not permit a sound comparison of theoretical predictions with observations. The time has come to critically reassess the foundational ideas of the path integral for gravity, including its definition, evaluation and interpretation; to identify problems with
existing uses and claims based on it, and to seek improvements. The workshop will focus on the continuum theory and its semiclassical limit, with applications to cosmology, black holes and holography. In particular, the notion of a “Euclidean path integral” for a “wavefunction of the universe” will be addressed.To this effect we intend to revisit discussion of “quantum geometrodynamics” from the path integral viewpoint and to pursue various applications. The developments in this direction that took place in the late 1970's and early 1980's were not incorporated in subsequent efforts, where the emphasis shifted to using a classical background with quantum fluctuations superimposed on it, a split which although useful in particular approximations can hardly be imagined to lie at the foundation of the theory. The revival of the discussion of the foundation of the path integral for gravity is made timely, we believe, by the introduction of new global methods such as Picard-Lefschetz theory.
The format of the workshop will be unusual. For the first three days, the mornings will begin with a longer, introductory lecture by each of the three organisers, setting out some of the foundational issues. This will be followed by shorter lectures by the participants, tackling the same foundational questions. The morning lectures, held in the Bob room, will be open to all Perimeter residents and visitors. They will be recorded and made available for viewing on PIRSA. Afternoons will be devoted to friendly and informal discussions, with participants invited to offer short contributions which follow up or develop points raised in the mornings, within a relaxed and highly conducive environment. Participation in these afternoon discussion sessions, as well as social events associated with the workshop, will be limited to registered workshop participants. The last two days of the workshop will be an opportunity for participants to continue discussions on topics which emerge as of greatest general interest, as well as to follow up in smaller groups on technical points or new ideas.
Quantum Black Holes in the Sky?
The past decade has witnessed significant breakthroughs in understanding the quantum nature of black holes, with insights coming from quantum information theory, numerical relativity, and string theory. At the same time, astrophysical and gravitational wave observations can now provide an unprecedented window into the phenomenology of black hole horizons. This workshop seeks to bring together leading experts in these fields to explore new theoretical and observational opportunities and synergies that could improve our physical understanding of quantum black holes.
Experimental techniques in table-top fundamental physics
In the last few years there has been a resurgence of interest in small scale high sensitivity experiments that look for new forces and new particles beyond the Standard Model. They promise to expand our understanding of the Cosmos and possibly explain mysteries such as Dark matter in a way that is complementary to colliders and other large scale experiments. There is a number of different physics motivations and approaches currently being explored in many on-going and newly proposed experiments and they often share common experimental techniques.Many workshops in this field focus on the theory motivations behind these experiments without emphasis on the details of the experimental techniques that enable precision measurements. There is also substantial experimental expertise across many fields, often outside of fundamental physics community, that can be relevant to ongoing and proposed experiments.Thus, we decided to organize the workshop around some of the common experimental techniques. We hope it will be educational for both experimentalists and theorists and lead to discussions on the best way forward. We would like to bring together experimentalists with different expertise in the hope that it will lead to new ideas through interdisciplinary interactions. For theorists, we expect it to provide better appreciation of the challenges and opportunities in improving the sensitivity of precision measurement experiments.
Hopf Algebras in Kitaev's Quantum Double Models: Mathematical Connections from Gauge Theory to Topological Quantum Computing and Categorical Quantum Mechanics
The Kitaev quantum double models are a family of topologically ordered spin models originally proposed to exploit the novel condensed matter phenomenology of topological phases for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Their physics is inherited from topological quantum field theories, while their underlying mathematical structure is based on a class of Hopf algebras. This structure is also seen across diverse fields of physics, and so allows connections to be made between the Kitaev models and topics as varied as quantum gauge theory and modified strong complementarity. This workshop will explore this shared mathematical structure and in so doing develop the connections between the fields of mathematical physics, quantum gravity, quantum information, condensed matter and quantum foundations.
Contextuality: Conceptual Issues, Operational Signatures, and Applications
2017 marks 50 years since the seminal 1967 article of Kochen and Specker proving that quantum theory fails to admit of a noncontextual model. Despite the fact that the Kochen-Specker theorem is one of the seminal results concerning the foundations of quantum theory, there has never been a large conference dedicated to the subject. The 50-year anniversary of the theorem seems an opportune time to remedy this oversight. Furthermore, in the last decade, there have been tremendous advances in the field. New life has been breathed into the subject as old conceptual issues have been re-examined from a new information-theoretic perspective. Importantly, there has been great progress in making the notion of noncontextuality robust to noise and therefore experimentally testable. Finally, there is mounting evidence that the resource that powers many quantum advantages for information processing is contextuality. In particular, it has been shown to underlie the possibility of universal quantum computation. Many groups worldwide are actively engaged in advancing our knowledge on each of these fronts and in deepening our understanding of the distinction between quantum and classical theories through the lens of contextuality. Through this conference, we aim to bring together leading researchers in the field in order to develop a broader perspective on the issues, draw connections between different approaches, foster a more cohesive community, and set objectives for future research.
New Directions in Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics
Continuing investment in fundamental weakly-coupled science, primarily through neutrino experiments and dark matter searches, prompts the question: is the maximum possible scientific information going to be extracted from these experiments? Are there new creative uses of the existing and planned facilities that would advance our knowledge of fundamental physics? Are there physics targets that have been overlooked by the current approach? This workshop will attempt to advance discussion of these topics, and concentrate on non-traditional ideas and alternative methods of probing new physics, both at underground laboratories and at high-intensity accelerators. The workshop aims to complement the large international conference, Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics 2017, to be held in Sudbury ON July 24-28, by directly preceding that meeting.