Format results
Emergent Gravity From Relatively Local Hamiltonians
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
Strange Metals From Local Quantum Chaos
John McGreevy University of California, San Diego
PIRSA:18060028 -
Holographic Solids: Transverse Phonons and Elastic Response
Lasma Alberte International School for Advanced Studies
PIRSA:18060031 -
Hitting the High Notes: The High Frequency Dynamics of Neutron Star Mergers
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18060045 -
Post-Merger Gravitational Wave Emission
Andreas Bauswein Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Garching
PIRSA:18060046 -
Searching for Ultralight Particles with Gravitational Waves
Masha Baryakhtar University of Washington
PIRSA:18060047 -
3G Detectors, Voyager
Rana Adhikari California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
PIRSA:18060048 -
Discussion Session
PIRSA:18060049 -
Gravitational Wave Telescopes: Some Cosmological Considerations
Latham Boyle University of Edinburgh
PIRSA:18060050 -
Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational-Wave Population Inference
Eric Thrane Monash University - Department of Physics
Charting Fundamental Interactions
Francesco Sannino CP3-Origins
Asymptotic safety with and without supersymmetry
Daniel Litim University of Sussex
Progress in constructing an Asymptotically safe Standard Model
Steven Abel Durham University
Cosmological non-Constant Problem
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
UV-complete relativistic field theories and softened gravity
Alberto Salvio Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Asymptotic safety of gravity-matter systems and effective universality
Manuel Reichert University of Southern Denmark
Searching for Light Bosons with Black Hole Superradiance
Savas Dimopoulos Stanford University
Superradiant instabilities and rotating black holes
Sam Dolan University of Southampton
PIRSA:18050028 -
Superradiant instabilities and rotating black holes
Avery Broderick University of Waterloo
Measuring Stellar-Mass Black Hole Spins via X-ray Spectroscopy
James Steiner Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Superradiance Beyond the Linear Regime
Frans Pretorius Princeton University
Characterization of compact objects with present and future ground-based gravitational-wave detectors
Salvatore Vitale Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
LIGO and Virgo continuous wave searches - Overview and all-sky searches
keith Riles University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
Directed and targeted searches for continuous gravitational waves
Sylvia Zhu Albert Einstein Institute
Attosecond Quantum Spectroscopy Measurement
David Villeneuve National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Efficient Preparation of Nontrivial Quantum States
Timothy Hsieh Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Time And Gravity Measurement
Pierre Dube National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Canadian Astronomy Data Center: Tools and Analytics for Large Data Sets
Sebastien Fabbro National Research Council Canada (NRC)
SI Unit Fundamental Measurements
Angela Gamouras National Research Council Canada (NRC)
Barry Wood National Research Council Canada (NRC)
PIRSA:18050045 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 15
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
PIRSA:18040066 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 14
Giacomo Torlai Flatiron Institute
PIRSA:18040065 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 13
Giacomo Torlai Flatiron Institute
PIRSA:18040072 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 12
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
PIRSA:18040064 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 11
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
PIRSA:18040063 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 10
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
PIRSA:18040071 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics - Lecture 9
Juan Carrasquilla ETH Zurich
PIRSA:18040062 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 17
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040049 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 16
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040048 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 15
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040047 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 14
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040046 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 13
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040045 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 12
Thales Azevedo Uppsala University
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:18040044 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 11
Nima Arkani-Hamed Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
PIRSA:18040159 -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory - Lecture 10
Nima Arkani-Hamed Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 15
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 14
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 13
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 12
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 11
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 10
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 9
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology - Lecture 8
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Scattering Amplitudes, String Models and Gravitational Waves
Ricardo Monteiro Queen Mary University of London
Quantum speedup in testing causal hypotheses
Giulio Chiribella University of Hong Kong (HKU)
The Logic of Physical Law
Stefan Wolf Università della Svizzera italiana
On the concepts of universality in physics and computer science
Gemma De Las Cuevas Universität Innsbruck
A no-go theorem for observer-independent facts
Časlav Brukner Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Algorithmic information theory: a critical perspective
Tom Sterkenburg Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiät München (LMU)
Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles 2018
The 2018 Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles (TRISEP) will be held July 9-20 2018 in Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Waterloo ON, Canada. TRISEP is an international summer school organized jointly by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, SNOLAB, and TRIUMF Canada s laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. TRISEP will feature lectures by leading experts in the field of particle physics in its broadest sense and is designed to be very interactive with ample time for questions, discussions and interaction with the speakers. The school is intended for graduate students of all levels who were already exposed to quantum field theory. For further information, please visit http:///
Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists 3
Throughout the history of quantum field theory there has been a rich cross-pollination between high energy and condensed matter physics. From the theory of renormalization to the consequences of spontaneous symmetry breaking this interaction has been an incredibly fruitful one. In the last decade there has been a strong resurgence of interest in condensed matter systems in the high energy theoretical physics community. Taking advantage of developments in conformal field theories the conformal bootstrap gauge/gravity and other type of dualities as well as effective field theory techniques high energy theorists with all kinds of specialist backgrounds are thinking about the diverse behavior exhibited in low energy physical systems. Recent developments also employed quantum field theory ideas to improve our understanding of condensed and quantum matter systems as for example Femi liquids strange metals or the behavior of topological defects in ultra cold atom gases. For certain questions such approaches present relevant advantages with respect to more traditional techniques. Moreover in recent years the interplay between high energy and condensed matter physics found new fuel in the search for light dark matter. Indeed theoretical analyses have recently shifted the attention towards model for sub-GeV dark matter. The condensed matter community has played a crucial role in the design of possible new materials and detectors that could allow the observation of such particles. The aim of this workshop is to bring together like-minded high energy theorists with appropriate condensed matter theorists and experimentalists to tackle some of the most interesting problems in modern physics. The format has been designed to allow for plenty of time for open discussion and interaction between the participants. This will reinvigorate existing collaborations as well as create new fruitful ones.
Path to Kilohertz Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
We are entering an exponentially growing phase of gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy excitingly represented by the Nobel Prize in Physics last year - only two years after the first detection. The successful multi-messenger detection of binary neutron star merger in last August has triggered increasing interests to probe the neutron star post-merger gravitational radiations as they will give more decisive and informative description of the post-merger object itself and the GW/electromagnetic emission mechanism. As the post-merger GWs mainly lie in the 1kHz-4kHz band it becomes necessary and important to think about possible third-generation GW detectors that are primarily sensitive to the high frequency band. In this workshop we shall focus on possible science case and detector configuration for kHz high-frequency detectors. We will have several invited talks while leaving more time for free discussions. We hope this workshop can serve as a seed for much broader discussions in the GW astronomy community and help promote high frequency detectors as one of the development directions of third-generation GW detectors.
Asymptotic Safety in a Dark Universe
The asymptotic safety paradigm is currently emerging as a highly promising idea for Beyond-Standard-Model physics with key progress in asymptotically safe quantum gravity and asymptotically safe matter models. The last years have seen not only the development of asymptotically safe gravity-matter models but also the discovery of asymptotically safe beyond Standard Model matter models that are under control in perturbation theory. New exciting avenues in (astro) particle physics are now waiting to be explored. For example although the nature of dark matter is a long-standing riddle it is a fact that experimental searches have so far not provided any direct clues but have instead come up with ever more stringent constraints on theoretically preferred regions of parameter space for dark-matter-models. Thus the key to unraveling this riddle could be a new theoretical paradigm to guide model builders. This workshop aims at exploring whether asymptotic safety can be a candidate for this new paradigm. We aim to bring together experts on phenomenological models and quantum gravity to probe both the theoretical viability and empirical signatures of asymptotically safe extensions of the standard model that include gravity. To facilitate a highly productive meeting that can trigger new collaborations each talk will be followed up by 15-20 minutes discussion time. Further each day of the workshop will feature a dedicated discussion session. Participants will be encouraged to contribute questions for the discussion both before as well as during the workshop. The last day of the workshop will conclude with a roadmap discussion during which all participants will be given the opportunity to propose concrete suggestions for follow-up work that might lead into future joint projects.
Career Trajectories Day
What can you do with a Physics degree? Plenty although the reality is that most people being trained in physics at the undergraduate graduate or even postdoctoral levels aren't aware of the broad spectrum of opportunities available to them. The problem solving skills necessary to succeed in physics are sought after in a wide range of technology financial and industrial sectors. This day will bring together current students and postdocs in theoretical physics with former students who have found great success in a wide range of different areas from startups to big companies finance and even bestselling novels. Many of them were affiliated with Perimeter Institute and chose their career paths over opportunities in academia. Through a combination of talks and panel sessions this day will showcase the many career possibilities available to young physicists steps they can take to explore these options and how to avoid the inevitable pitfalls. Lunch will be provided and there will ample opportunities to ask questions and network.
Searching for New Particles with Black Hole Superradiance
Black hole superradiance is a fascinating process in general relativity and a unique window on ultralight particles beyond the standard model. Bosons -- such as axions and dark photons -- with Compton wavelengths comparable to size of astrophysical black holes grow exponentially to form large clouds spinning down the black hole in the process and produce monochromatic continuous gravitational wave radiation. In the era of gravitational wave astronomy and increasingly sensitive observations of astrophysical black holes and their properties superradiance of new light particles is a promising avenue to search for new physics in regimes inaccessible to terrestrial experiments. This workshop will bring together theorists data analysts and observers in particle physics gravitational wave astronomy strong gravity and high energy astrophysics to explore the signatures of black hole superradiance and to study the current and future possibilities of searching for new particles with black holes.
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics (Hayward)
PSI 2017/2018 - Machine Learning for Many Body Physics (Hayward) -
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory (Cachazo)
PSI 2017/2018 - Scattering Amplitudes in QFT & String Theory (Cachazo) -
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology (Smith)
PSI 2017/2018 - Cosmology (Smith) -
New Directions in Conventional and Ambitwistor String Theories
The goal of the workshop is to foster interaction between researchers working on the S-matrices of conventional strings and on ambitwistor strings. The workshop will exploit synergies between the two frameworks and identify the current key questions in the fields and areas that can benefit from collaboration. The program of the workshop will be tailored to questions and problems raised by the participants in the run-up to the event. The goal is to spend most of the time on collaborative discussions in order to exchange expertise and to attempt to resolve questions during the workshop. A list of such problems can be found below and this will be extended by the participants in the run-up to the meeting. To obtain ambitwistor integrands and Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) numerators for multiloop amplitudes and to connect with superstring worldsheet correlators. To develop fully nonlinear approaches by working on curved backgrounds both for application to AdS/CFT and to problems in perturbative gravity and gauge theory on nontrivial backgrounds. To understand the twistor and ambitwistor geometry underpinning both conventional and ambitwistor strings including the geometry of soft limits infrared structure and its links with formulations at null infinity. To explore mathematical structures behind the integrals of conventional and ambitwistor strings (positive geometries and canonical forms twisted (co)-cycle etc.)
Algorithmic Information, Induction and Observers in Physics
Our universe is of astonishing simplicity: almost all physical observations can in principle be described by a few theories that have short mathematical descriptions. But there is a field of computer science which quantifies simplicity namely algorithmic information theory (AIT). In this workshop we will discuss emerging connections between AIT and physics some of which have recently shown up in fields like quantum information theory and thermodynamics. In particular AIT and physics share one goal: namely to predict future observations given previous data. In fact there exists a gold standard of prediction in AIT called Solomonoff induction which is also applied in artificial intelligence. This motivates us to look at a broader question: what is the role of induction in physics? For example can quantum states be understood as Bayesian states of belief? Can physics be understood as a computation in some sense? What is the role of the observer i.e. the agent that is supposed to perform the predictions? These and related topics will be discussed by a diverse group of researchers from different disciplines.