18241 - 18252 of 18260 Results
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Quantum Integrable Systems from Conformal Blocks
Heng-Yu Chen (National National Taiwan University)strings:20161012A Bit More Physics from a Bit More Number Theory
Miranda Cheng (Amsterdam University)strings:20161013Integrable spin systems and four-dimensional gauge theory
Kevin Costello (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)strings:20161015Abelian and Discrete Symmetries in F-theory
Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)strings:20161016Current Algebra Constraints on Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories
Thomas Dumitrescu (Harvard University)strings:20161021Probability and statistics applied to high-energy physics
Drijard, Daniel,Eadie, William T,James, Frederick E,Roos, Matts,Sadoulet, BernardBremsstrahlung in crystals and other connected phenomena
Ferretti, Bruno