Displaying 2137 - 2148 of 5008
Format results
Anomalies and entanglement renormalization
Jacob Bridgeman PsiQuantum Corp.
Observation of a Gravitational Wave Emitting Neutron Star Merger with the Dark Energy Camera
Marcelle Soares-Santos Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Aspects of field theory with higher derivatives
Adam Solomon McMaster University
Recent results and future plans for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR
Reyco Henning University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Asymptotic charges from soft factorizations theorems
Miguel Campiglia Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
Order Plus Number ~ Geometry: A Lorentzian Approach to Quantum Gravity
Sumati Surya Raman Research Institute
Boundary Trace Anomalies and Boundary Conformal Field Theory
Christopher Herzog King's College London
Hunting for WIMPs: How low should we go?
Aaron Pierce University of Michigan–Ann Arbor