Displaying 1849 - 1860 of 2124
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The Planck Satellite
François Bouchet Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Physics at the Tevatron
Brigitte Vachon McGill University - Department of Physics
From Strings to the MSSM
Hans Peter Nilles Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Measures of the multiverse
Alexander Vilenkin Tufts University
Probing Fundamental Physics and the Early Universe by Detecting Gravitational Waves
Alessandra Buonanno Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Quark Gluon Plasma in QCD, at RHIC, and in String Theory
Krishna Rajagopal Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC (and in QCD and String Theory)
William Zajc Columbia University
Lattice Chirality and the Decoupling of Mirror Fermions
Yanwen Shang Citigroup Incorporated
Local Group Dwarfs and the Cold Dark Matter Paradigm
Manoj Kaplinghat University of California, Irvine