Talks by Bob Holdom
Panel Discussion - Black hole puzzles (Di Filippo, Gregory, Holdom, Myers, Stelle)
Francesco Di Filippo Kyoto University
Ruth Gregory King's College London
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Robert Myers Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Kellogg Stelle Imperial College London
Open Discussion with today's speakers (Buoninfante, Eichhorn, Holdom, Knorr, Loll)
Luca Buoninfante Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
Astrid Eichhorn University of Southern Denmark
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Benjamin Knorr Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
UV complete 4-derivative scalar field theory
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Not quite black holes at LIGO
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Spectral Search for Echoes
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Echoes and Quadratic Gravity
Bob Holdom University of Toronto