The course will cover the basics of conformal field theories and also some applications, including exact computations of the critical exponents in 2d statistical models.
We look to understand the possibilities and limits of quantum information processing, and how an information theory perspective can inform theoretical physics. Topics covered include: entanglement, tools for measuring nearness of quantum states, characterizing the most general possible quantum operations, entropy and measuring information, the stabilizer formalism, quantum error-correcting codes, the theory of computation, quantum algorithms, classical and quantum complexity.
Machine learning has become a very valuable toolbox for scientists including physicists. In this course, we will learn the basics of machine learning with an emphasis on applications for many-body physics. At the end of this course, you will be equipped with the necessary and preliminary tools for starting your own machine learning projects.
This course will introduce some advanced topics in general relativity related to describing gravity in the strong field and dynamical regime. Topics covered include properties of spinning black holes, black hole thermodynamics and energy extraction, how to define horizons in a dynamical setting, formulations of the Einstein equations as constraint and evolution equations, and gravitational waves and how they are sourced.
Instructor: Erik Schnetter/Dustin Lang/TBD
Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here:
The Standard Model of particle physics is introduced, and reviewed, from a modern effective field theory perspective.
Instructor: Seyda Ipek/Gang Xu
Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: