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Discretizing the many-electron Schrodinger Equation
Steven White University of California, Irvine
Emergence of conformal symmetry in critical spin chains
Ashley Milsted California Institute of Technology
The continuous multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (cMERA)
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Unitary Networks from the Exact Renormalization of Wavefunctionals
Rob Leigh University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tensor networks and Legendre transforms
Brian Swingle Brandeis University
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 14
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 13
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 12
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 11
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 10
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 9
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 8
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology - Lecture 7
Kendrick Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 15
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 14
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 13
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 12
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 11
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 10
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 9
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 8
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 15
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 14
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 13
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 12
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 11
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 10
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 9
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information - Lecture 8
David Cory Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 12
Michele Mosca Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 11
Michele Mosca Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 10
Eduardo Martin-Martinez University of Waterloo
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 9
Eduardo Martin-Martinez University of Waterloo
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 8
Kevin Resch Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 7
Kevin Resch Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 6
Daniel Gottesman University of Maryland, College Park
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information Review - Lecture 5
Daniel Gottesman University of Maryland, College Park
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 13
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030029 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 12
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030028 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 11
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030027 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 10
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030026 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 9
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030025 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 8
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030024 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 7
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030022 -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory Review - Lecture 6
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 14
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030045 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 13
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030044 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 12
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030043 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 11
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030042 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 10
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030041 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 9
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030040 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 8
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030039 -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems - Lecture 7
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:17030038 -
Critical points and spectral curves
Nigel Hitchin University of Oxford
Generalizing Quivers: Bows, Slings, Monowalls
Sergey Cherkis University of Arizona
Nahm transformation for parabolic harmonic bundles on the projective line with regular residues
Szilard Szabo Budapest University of Technology and Economics
A mathematical definition of 3d indices
Tudor Dimofte University of Edinburgh
Perverse Hirzebruch y-genus of Higgs moduli spaces
Tamas Hausel Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Motivic Classes for Moduli of Connections
Alexander Soibelman University of Southern California
BPS algebras and twisted character varieties
Ben Davison University of Edinburgh
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 12
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 11
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 10
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 9
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 8
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 7
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 6
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter (Review) - Lecture 5
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 15
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 14
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 13
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 12
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 11
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 10
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 9
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Review) - Lecture 8
David Kubiznak Charles University
Quantum Field Theory on Manifolds with Boundary and the BV Formalism
In the past five years their have a been number of significant advances in the mathematics of QFT on manifolds with boundary. The work of Cattaneo, Mnev, and Reshitihkin--beyond setting rigorous foundations--has led to many computable and salient examples. Similarly, the work of Costello (specifically projects joint with Gwilliam and Si Li) provides a framework (and deformation/obstruction) for the observable theory of such theories with boundary/defects. There are related mathematical advances: constructible factorization algebras and higher category theory as pioneered by Lurie and the collaboration of Ayala, Francis, and Tanaka. The goal of the workshop is to bring together the leading experts in this multi-faceted subject.The structure of the workshop will be such as to maximize the exchange of knowledge and collaboration. More specifically, the morning sessions will consist of several lecture series, while the afternoons will be reserved for research working groups. The mornings will communicate the essential ideas and techniques surrounding bulk-boundary correspondences and perturbative AKSZ theories on manifolds with boundary/corners. The afternoons will be research driven and focus on specific problems within the following realms: the interaction of renormalization with cutting/pasting, aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, cohomological approaches to gravity, and the observable/defect theory of AKSZ type theories.
String Theory for Mathematicians - Kevin Costello
String Theory for Mathematicians - Kevin Costello -
Tensor Networks for Quantum Field Theories II
Tensor Networks for Quantum Field Theories II -
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology (Smith)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Cosmology (Smith) -
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis) -
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information (Cory)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Information (Cory) -
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information (Multiple Lecturers)
PSI 2016/2017 - Quantum Information (Multiple Lecturers) -
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory (Gaiotto)
PSI 2016/2017 - String Theory (Gaiotto) -
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems (Costello, Vieira)
PSI 2016/2017 - Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems (Costello, Vieira) -
Hitchin Systems in Mathematics and Physics
Hitchin Systems in Mathematics and Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter Review (Vidal)
PSI 2016/2017 - Condensed Matter Review (Vidal) -
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Kubiznak)
PSI 2016/2017 - Cosmology (Kubiznak)