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Lecture 1: Factorization Algebras and the General Structure of QFT
Philsang Yoo Seoul National University
Lecture 1: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and All That
Mathew Bullimore Durham University
TA Session: 0d QFT and Feynman diagrams
Theo Johnson-Freyd Dalhousie University
Lecture 1: Boundary Conditions and Extended Defects
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
TA Session: Supersummetry Algebras
Chris Elliott University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lecture 3: Factorization Algebras and the General Structure of QFT
Philsang Yoo Seoul National University
Lecture 2: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and All That
Mathew Bullimore Durham University
Simulating an expanding universe on Google's Bristlecone
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Preparing Critical and Thermofield Double States on a Quantum Computer
Timothy Hsieh Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
TensorNetwork: accelerating tensor network computations and improving the coding experience
Ashley Milsted California Institute of Technology
Maximally sensitive sets of states
Daniel Gottesman University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum simulation of 2D and 3D spin models in a linear chain of ions
Kazi-Rajibul Islam Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Polariton Graph Network
Na Young Kim Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Quantum Simulation of Lattice Field Theories with Microwave Photons
Christopher Wilson Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Theory of a Planckian metal with a remnant Fermi surface.
Subir Sachdev Harvard University
Twisted foliated fracton order
Xie Chen California Institute of Technology
Landau ordering and other phase transitions beyond the Landau paradigm
Senthil Todadri Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
QED and quantum magnetism in (2+1)d
Chong Wang Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Shadow of complex fixed point: Approxmiate conformality of Q>4 Potts model
Han Ma Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
On the relation between the magnitude and exponent of OTOCs
Yingfei Gu Harvard University
Firewalls vs. Scrambling
Beni Yoshida Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Angular momentum radiated by electromagnetic vs gravitational waves
Beatrice Bonga Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Ultralight axions and Future CMB experiments
Renee Hlozek University of Toronto
Not extending the standard cosmological model
Andrew Liddle University of Lisbon
The Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays
Tova M. Yoast-Hull Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
The existence and stability of marginally trapped surfaces
Erik Schnetter Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
An introduction to Cohomological Hall algebras and their representations
Yan Soibelman Kansas State University
Gauge theory, vertex algebras and COHA
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Networks of intertwiners, 3d theories and superalgebras
Yegor Zenkevich University of Edinburgh
COHA of surfaces and factorization algebras
Mikhail Kapranov University of Tokyo
Yangians from cohomological Hall algebras
Ben Davison University of Edinburgh
Algebraic structures of T[M3] and T[M4]
Sergei Gukov California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
Categorification of 2d cohomological Hall algebras
Francesco Sala University of Tokyo
Short star-products for filtered quantizations
Pavel Etingof Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Theo Johnson-Freyd Dalhousie University
Andre Henriques University of Oxford
PIRSA:18080042 -
N=1 supersymmetric vertex algebras of small index
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Geometric Langlands: Comparing the views from CFT and TQFT
Joerg Teschner Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Cutting and gluing branes
David Nadler University of California, Berkeley
The low-energy TQFT of the generalized double semion model
Arun Debray University of Texas - Austin
Moduli of connexions on open varieties
Bertrand Toen Paul Sabatier University
The Duistermaat–Heckman distribution for the based loop group
Lisa Jeffrey University of Toronto
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Local quantum operations and causality
Robert Oeckl Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Mexico (UNAM)
Towards synthetic Euclidean quantum field theory
Tobias Fritz Universität Innsbruck
Almost quantum correlations violate the no-restriction hypothesis
Ana Belen Sainz Gdańsk University of Technology
A device-independent approach to testing physical theories from finite data
Yeong-Cherng Liang National Cheng Kung University
Emergent Gravity From Relatively Local Hamiltonians
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
Strange Metals From Local Quantum Chaos
John McGreevy University of California, San Diego
PIRSA:18060028 -
Holographic Solids: Transverse Phonons and Elastic Response
Lasma Alberte International School for Advanced Studies
PIRSA:18060031 -
Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II
On Thursday June 13 the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) will participate in the one-day Many-Body States and Dynamics Workshop II. The goal of the workshop is to describe ongoing efforts to experimentally realize quantum many-body states and dynamics and discuss interesting classes of states and dynamics that could be targeted. Experimentalists working on several platforms (such as photons atom and ion traps superconducting qubits exciton-polaritons or NMR) and theoreticians specialized in many-body theory (entanglement topological order gauge theories criticality chaos error correction holography) and numerical simulations (exact diagonalization Monte Carlo DMRG tensor networks) will meet for a morning workshop to identify and discuss common interests.
Quantum Matter: Emergence & Entanglement 3
This third workshop of the Perimeter Institute series Emergence and Entanglement will center around four major frontiers in quantum matter research: (i) topological matter including recently discovered phases in three dimensions and new routes toward experimental realization (ii) critical states of matter especially interacting CFTs in 2+1 dimensions and dualities (iii) state-of-the-art numerical approaches to tackle such many-body problems (e.g. DMRG MERA Monte Carlo) and (iv) quantum dynamics and thermalization.
PI-CITA Day 2019
This is an ongoing series of meetings held two or three times per year between researchers at Perimeter Institute and CITA. The goal of these meetings is to share new ideas and encourage interaction in PI and CITA's common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussions.
Cohomological Hall Algebras in Mathematics and Physics
This workshop will bring together leading mathematicians and physicists interested in the Cohomological Hall algebra as it appears in the study of moduli spaces and in gauge and string theory.
Wide Field Astronomy in Canada
Canada has great ambitions in the area of wide-field astronomical surveys and a strong heritage. On the eve of the Canadian Long Range Plan 2020 this workshop brings together the Canadian wide field astronomy community to discuss our strategy including possible areas of scientific and technical coordination. We will review existing and near-term surveys on facilities including CFHT MWA CHIME Dragonfly Gaia SDSS-V DESI Euclid and LSST as well as future projects like MSE and SKA1 on the ground and WFIRST and CASTOR in space. Invited talks will highlight areas of rapid expansion including time domain astrophysics and radio surveys as well as data archives and computing platforms like CADC Canfar and CIRADA that enable the exploitation of wide field and time-domain data by the community. Our activities aim to ensure that wide field and time-domain science emerge with strong support in LRP2020 and are able to attract significant funding.
Graduate Student Conference
This will be a two day event whereby graduate students will present their research to PSI students
Higher Algebra and Mathematical Physics
Higher algebra has become important throughout mathematics physics and mathematical physics and this conference will bring together leading experts in higher algebra and its mathematical physics applications. In physics the term algebra is used quite broadly any time you can take two operators or fields multiply them and write the answer in some standard form a physicist will be happy to call this an algebra. Higher algebra is characterized by the appearance of a hierarchy of multilinear operations (e.g. A_infty and L_infty algebras). These structures can be higher categorical in nature (e.g. derived categories cosmology theories) and can involve mixtures of operations and co-operations (Hopf algebras Frobenius algebras etc.). Some of these notions are purely algebraic (e.g. algebra objects in a category) while others are quite geometric (e.g. shifted symplectic structures). An early manifestation of higher algebra in high-energy physics was supersymmetry. Supersymmetry makes quantum field theory richer and thus more complicated but at the same time many aspects become more tractable and many problems become exactly solvable. Since then higher algebra has made numerous appearances in mathematical physics both high- and low-energy. A tell-tale sign of the occurrence of higher structures is when classification results involve cohomology. Group cohomology appeared in the classification of condensed matter systems by the results of Wen and collaborators. Altland and Zirnbauer s "ten-fold way" was explained by Kitaev using K-theory. And Kitaev's 16 types of vortex-fermion statistics were classified by spin modular categories. All these results were recently enhanced by the work of Freed and Hopkins based on cobordism theory. In high energy physics cohomology appears most visibly in the form of "anomalies". The Chern--Simons anomaly comes from the fourth cohomology class of a compact Lie group and the 5-brane anomaly is related to a certain cohomology class of the Spin group. The classification of conformal field theories involves the computation of all algebras objects in certain monoidal categories which is a type of non-abelian cohomology. Yet another important role for higher algebra in mathematical physics has been in the famous Langlands duality. Langlands duality began in number theory and then became geometry. It turned into physics when Kapustin and Witten realized geometric Langlands as an electromagnetic duality in cN=4 super Yang--Mills theory. Derived algebra higher categories shifted symplectic geometry cohomology and supersymmetry all appear in Langlands duality. The conference speakers and participants drawn from both sides of the Atlantic and connected by live video streams will explore these myriad aspects of higher algebra in mathematical physics.
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
The foundations of quantum mechanics have been revitalized in the past few decades by three developments: (i) the influence of quantum computation and quantum information theory (ii) studies of the interplay between quantum theory and relativity particularly the analysis of indefinite causal structure and (iii) proposals to reconstruct quantum theory from basic axioms. There have also been very interesting developments in understanding and classifying no=locality and contextuality using tools from sheaf theory and cohomology as well as operator algebras and category theory. The International Congress of Mathematical Physics is a natural forum for the discussion of these topics. In the past there have been satellite workshops on topics like Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics which also address fundamental issues. The modern study of quantum foundations is very much influenced and informed by mathematics: sheaf theory and cohomology category theory information theory convex analysis in addition to the continuing interest in operator algebras and functional analysis. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers who have made substantial contribution to the recent developments. The workshop will be held at Perimeter Institute over a five day period from July 30
Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles 2018
The 2018 Tri-Institute Summer School on Elementary Particles (TRISEP) will be held July 9-20 2018 in Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Waterloo ON, Canada. TRISEP is an international summer school organized jointly by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, SNOLAB, and TRIUMF Canada s laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. TRISEP will feature lectures by leading experts in the field of particle physics in its broadest sense and is designed to be very interactive with ample time for questions, discussions and interaction with the speakers. The school is intended for graduate students of all levels who were already exposed to quantum field theory. For further information, please visit http:///
Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists 3
Throughout the history of quantum field theory there has been a rich cross-pollination between high energy and condensed matter physics. From the theory of renormalization to the consequences of spontaneous symmetry breaking this interaction has been an incredibly fruitful one. In the last decade there has been a strong resurgence of interest in condensed matter systems in the high energy theoretical physics community. Taking advantage of developments in conformal field theories the conformal bootstrap gauge/gravity and other type of dualities as well as effective field theory techniques high energy theorists with all kinds of specialist backgrounds are thinking about the diverse behavior exhibited in low energy physical systems. Recent developments also employed quantum field theory ideas to improve our understanding of condensed and quantum matter systems as for example Femi liquids strange metals or the behavior of topological defects in ultra cold atom gases. For certain questions such approaches present relevant advantages with respect to more traditional techniques. Moreover in recent years the interplay between high energy and condensed matter physics found new fuel in the search for light dark matter. Indeed theoretical analyses have recently shifted the attention towards model for sub-GeV dark matter. The condensed matter community has played a crucial role in the design of possible new materials and detectors that could allow the observation of such particles. The aim of this workshop is to bring together like-minded high energy theorists with appropriate condensed matter theorists and experimentalists to tackle some of the most interesting problems in modern physics. The format has been designed to allow for plenty of time for open discussion and interaction between the participants. This will reinvigorate existing collaborations as well as create new fruitful ones.