Collection NumberS026
Collection TypeSeries
SubjectMathematical Physics
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Displaying 13 - 24 of 253
Format results
Cluster Reductions, Mutations, and q-Painlev'e Equations
Mykola Semenyakin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Embeddings between Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories
Alex Weekes University of Saskatchewan
Free-to-Interacting Maps and the Bott Spiral
Cameron Krulewski Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Non-vanishing of quantum geometric Whittaker coefficients
Ekaterina Bogdanova Harvard University
A new tangential structure for type IIA string theory
Matthew Yu University of Oxford
Infinitesimal structure of BunG
Nikolay Grantcharov University of Chicago
Principal 2-group bundles and the Freed--Quinn line bundle
Emily Cliff University of Sherbrooke
Quantization of the Ngô morphism (VIRTUAL)
Tom Gannon University of California, Los Angeles