Format results
Spectrum of conformal gauge theories on a torus
Alex Thomson California Institute of Technology
Many-Body Localization Through the Lens of Ultracold Quantum Gases
Pranjal Bordia Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiät München (LMU)
SU(3) Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg-Majorana interferometry with quantum triangles
Maseim Kenmoe University of Regensburg
Exposing the Global Landscape of Topological Quantum Matter
Gil Young Cho Pohang University of Science and Technology
Mesonic eigenstates for magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice
Olga Petrova École Normale Supérieure - Département de Physique
Many-body localization: a quantum frontier
Arijeet Pal Harvard University
Spectrum of conformal gauge theories on a torus
Alex Thomson California Institute of Technology
Many model quantum spin systems have been proposed to realize critical points or phases described by 2+1 dimensional conformal gauge theories. On a torus of size L and modular parameter τ, the energy levels of such gauge theories equal (1/L) times universal functions of τ. We compute the universal spectrum of QED3, a U(1) gauge theory with Nf two-component massless Dirac fermions, in the large-Nf limit. We also allow for a Chern-Simons term at level k, and show how the topological k-fold ground state degeneracy in the absence of fermions transforms into the universal spectrum in the presence of fermions; these computations are performed at fixed Nf/k in the large-Nf limit.
Many-Body Localization Through the Lens of Ultracold Quantum Gases
Pranjal Bordia Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiät München (LMU)
A fundamental assumption of quantum statistical mechanics is that closed isolated systems always thermalize under their own dynamics. Progress on the topic of many-body localization has challenged this vital assumption, describing a phase where thermalization, and with it, equilibrium thermodynamics, breaks down.
In this talk, I will describe how we can realize such a phase of matter with ultracold fermions in both driven and undriven optical lattices, with a focus on the relevance of realistic experimental platforms. Furthermore, I will describe new results on the observation of a regime exhibiting extremely slow scrambling, even for "infinite-temperature states" in one and two dimensions. Our results demonstrate how controlled quantum simulators can explore fundamental questions about quantum statistical mechanics in genuinely novel regimes, often not accessible to state-of-the-art classical computations. -
Z_2 topological order near the Neel state of the square lattice antiferromagnet
Subir Sachdev Harvard University
We classify quantum states proximate to the semiclassical Neel state of the spin S=1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet with two-spin near-neighbor and four-spin ring exchange interactions. Motivated by a number of recent experiments on the cuprates and the iridates, we examine states with Z_2 topological order, an order which is not present in the semiclassical limit. Some of the states break one or more of reflection, time-reversal, and lattice rotation symmetries, and can account for the observations. We discuss implications for the pseudogap phase.
Estimating entanglement from only a few moments
How can we quantify the entanglement between subsystems when we only have access to incomplete information about them and their environment? Existing approaches (such as Rényi entropies) can only detect the short-range entanglement across a boundary between a subsystem and its surroundings, and then only if the whole system is pure. These methods cannot detect the long-range entanglement between two subsystems embedded in a larger system. There is a natural choice of entanglement measure for this situation, called the entanglement negativity, which can do this and cope with mixed states as well. However it is defined in terms of the full density matrix, which we generally won't have access to.
I will begin this talk with a brief overview of some replica trick-based eigenspectrum reconstruction methods, and their various strengths and limitations. Then I will show how to modify these to find the moments of the partially transposed density matrix. Once those numbers have been obtained, it is possible to modify the earlier eigenspectrum reconstruction methods to obtain lower and upper bounds for the entanglement negativity.
Addendum: An audience member pointed out that the adjective "quasi-topological" already has a meaning and it's something different from the subject of this talk. So with hindsight it should have been called `quasi-conformal quantum computing' -
Resonating valence bond theory of the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet
Ioannis Rousochatzakis University of Minnesota
Recent studies of highly frustrated antiferromagnets (AFMs) have demonstrated the qualitative impact of virtual, longer-range singlet excitations on the effective RVB tunneling parameters of the low energy sector of the problem [1,2]. Here, I will discuss the current state of affairs on the RVB description of the spin-1/2 kagome AFM, and present new results that settle a number of issues in this problem [3].
[1] I. Rousochatzakis, Y. Wan, O. Tchernyshyov, and F. Mila, PRB 90,
100406(R) (2014)
[2] A. Ralko and I. Rousochatzakis, PRL 115, 167202 (2015) [3] in preparation.
Random variables, entanglement and nonlocality in infinite > translation-invariant systems
We consider the problem of certifying entanglement and nonlocality in one-dimensional translation-invariant (TI) infinite systems when just averaged near-neighbor correlators are available. Exploiting the triviality of the marginal problem for 1D TI distributions, we arrive at a practical characterization of the near-neighbor density matrices of multi-separable TI quantum states. This allows us, e.g., to identify a family of separable two-qubit states which only admit entangled TI extensions. For nonlocality detection, we show that, when viewed as a vector in R^n, the set of boxes admitting an infinite TI classical extension forms a polytope, i.e., a convex set defined by a finite number of linear inequalities. Using DMRG, we prove that some of these inequalities can be violated by distant parties conducting identical measurements on an infinite TI quantum state. Both our entanglement witnesses and our Bell inequalities can be used to certify entanglement and nonlocality in large spin chains (namely, finite, and not TI chains) via neutron scattering.
Our attempts at generalizing our results to TI systems in 2D and 3D lead us to the virtually unexplored problem of characterizing the marginal distributions of infinite TI systems in higher dimensions. In this regard, we show that, for random variables which can only take a small number of possible values (namely, bits and trits), the set of nearest (and next-to-nearest) neighbor distributions admitting a 2D TI infinite extension forms a polytope. This allows us to compute exactly the ground state energy per site of any classical nearest-neighbor Ising-type TI Hamiltonian in the infinite square or triangular lattice. Remarkably, some of these results also hold in 3D.
In contrast, when the cardinality of the set of possible values grows (but remaining finite), we show that the marginal nearest-neighbor distributions of 2D TI systems are not described by a polytope or even a semi-algebraic set. Moreover, the problem of computing the exact ground state energy per site of arbitrary 2D TI Hamiltonians is undecidable.
SU(3) Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg-Majorana interferometry with quantum triangles
Maseim Kenmoe University of Regensburg
Quantum triangles can work as interferometers. Depending on their geometric size and interactions between paths, “beats” and/or “steps”
patterns are observed. We show that when inter-level distances between level positions in quantum triangles periodically change with time, formation of beats and/or steps no longer depends only on the geometric size of the triangles but also on the characteristic frequency of the transverse signal. For large-size triangles, we observe the coexistence of beats and steps for moderated frequencies of the signal and for large frequencies a maximum of four steps instead of two as in the case with constant interactions are observed.
Small-size triangles also revealed counter-intuitive interesting dynamics for large frequencies of the field: unexpected two-step patterns are observed. When the frequency is large and tuned such that it matches the uniaxial anisotropy, three-step patterns are observed.
We have equally observed that when the transverse signal possesses a static part, steps maximize to six. These effects are semi-classically explained in terms of Fresnel integrals and quantum mechanically in terms of quantized fields with a photon-induced tunneling process. Our expressions for populations are in excellent agreement with the gross temporal profiles of exact numerical solutions. We compare the semi-classical and quantum dynamics in the triangle and establish the conditions for their equivalence.
Exposing the Global Landscape of Topological Quantum Matter
Gil Young Cho Pohang University of Science and Technology
A central theme of modern condensed matter physics is the study of topological quantum matter enabled by quantum mechanics, which provides a further "topological" twist to the classical theory of ordered phases. These quantum-entangled phases of matter such as fractional quantum Hall phases, spin liquids, and some non-Fermi liquids, are typically strongly-correlated and thus cannot be studied within conventional perturbative approaches. Because of the spectacular emergent phenomena as well as their potential for realistic applications, there has been much recent interest in exploring the physics of these exotic phases. In this talk, I show that the powerful methods of quantum field theory, namely quantum anomaly and duality, can expose the global landscape in parameter space of these gapped and gapless topological quantum phases and lead to several novel insights on these phases. As a demonstration of this principle, we study clean fractional quantum Hall transitions, composite Fermi liquids, and the surface of fractional topological insulators. Despite long and storied histories, these three systems are at the frontier of our knowledge of two and three dimensional topological phases. I show that the non-perturbative approach for these systems, i.e., the duality, sheds some new light on these systems and allows us to resolve some longstanding puzzles, which have not been clear previously. Furthermore, it uncovers novel physics of these intrinsically strongly-correlated phases of matter.
Mesonic eigenstates for magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice
Olga Petrova École Normale Supérieure - Département de Physique
The quest for quantum spin liquids is an important enterprise in strongly correlated physics, yet candidate materials are still few and far between. Meanwhile, the classical front has had far more success, epitomized by the exceptional agreement between theory and experiment for a class of materials called spin ices. It is therefore natural to introduce quantum fluctuations into this well-established classical spin liquid model, in the hopes of obtaining a fully quantum spin liquid state.
The spin-flip excitations in spin ice fractionalize into pairs of effective magnetic monopoles of opposite charge. Quantum fluctuations have a parametrically larger effect on monopole motion than on the spin ice ground states so the leading manifestations of quantum behavior appear when monopoles are present. We study magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice, whose dynamics is induced by a transverse field term. For this model, we find a family of extensively degenerate excited states, that make up an approximately flat band at the classical energy of the nearest neighbor monopole pair. These so-called mesonic states are exact up to the splitting of the spin ice ground state manifold. In my talk I will discuss their construction and properties that may be relevant in neutron scattering experiments on quantum spin ice candidates.
Harnessing Topological Quantum Matter
Topological quantum computing requires phases of matter which host fractionalized excitations that are neither bosons nor fermions. I will present a new route toward realizing such fractionalized phases of matter by literally building on existing topological phases. I will first discuss how existing topological phases, when interfaced with other systems, can exhibit a “topological proximity effect” in which nontrivial topology of a different nature is induced in the neighboring system. Then, I will show how this enables a new entanglement based technique (the “topological bootstrap”) for upgrading topological phases from the integer into the fractional quantum Hall variety. Finally, I will highlight the rich phenomenology of systems with interacting Majorana modes. Such systems can exhibit physics ranging from black hole scrambling to supersymmetry and from alternative surface code architectures to topological phases in three dimensions with completely immobile excitations. I will discuss my plans for understanding both general properties and specific models of such fascinating systems.
Many-body localization: a quantum frontier
Arijeet Pal Harvard University
A closed quantum system is ergodic and satisfies equilibrium statistical physics when it completely loses local information of its initial condition under time evolution, by 'hiding' the information in non-local properties like entanglement. In the last decade, a flurry of theoretical work has shown that ergodicity can be broken in an isolated, quantum many-body system even at high energies in the presence of disorder, a phenomena known as many-body localization (MBL). In this novel phase of matter, highly excited states of an interacting system can serve as quantum memory and even protect exotic forms of quantum order. Recent claims of experimental observation of MBL in two dimensions using ultra-cold atoms has further raised a plethora of intriguing questions.
In one dimension, the strongly localized regime is described in terms of quasi-local integrals of motion, also known as l-bits. Based on this picture I will describe an efficient tensor network method to efficiently represent the entire spectrum of fully many-body localized systems. This ansatz is also successful at capturing features of the MBL to thermal transition. For higher dimensions, I will develop a refined phenomenology of MBL in terms of l*-bits which are only 'approximately' conserved, based on the stability of the localized phase to perturbations on the boundary. I will conclude with a bird's-eye view of some of the open problems in this rapidly growing field.
Boundary Hamiltonian theory for gapped topological phases on an open surface
In this talk we propose a Hamiltonian approach to 2+1D gapped topological phases on an open surface with boundary. The bulk part is
(Levin-Wen) string-net models arising from a unitary fusion category (can be viewed as Hamiltonian approach to extended Turaev-Viro TQFT), while the boundary Hamiltonian is constructed using any Frobenius algebra in the input category. The combined Hamiltonian is exactly solvable and gives rise to a gapped energy spectrum which is topologically protected.
Our boundary Hamiltonians can be used to characterize and classify boundary conditions that give rise to gapped topological phase. We study the ground states and boundary excitations. Particularly, we show a correspondence between elementary excitations and the ground states on a cylinder system. Both are characterized by the category of bimodules over the Frobenius algebra that defines the boundary Hamiltonian.