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Towards postquantum information relativity: a status report
Ryszard Kostecki University of Gdansk
Spectral Lines from Relic Quantum Nonequilibrium
Nicolas Underwood Clemson University
Theoretical Structure and Theoretical Equivalence
James Weatherall University of California, Irvine
Classical and Quantum Correlations in Networks
Armin Tavakoli Stockholm University
Quantum theory with indefinite causal structure
Ognyan Oreshkov Université Libre de Bruxelles
“Formal” Versus “Empirical” Approaches to Quantum–Classical Reduction
Joshua Rosaler University of Pittsburgh
On Noncontextual, Non-Kolmogorovian Hidden Variable Theories
Benjamin Feintzeig University of California, Irvine
Towards postquantum information relativity: a status report
Ryszard Kostecki University of Gdansk
In this talk I will: 1) review the results of my work on a geometric approach to foundations for a postquantum information theory; 2) discuss how it is related to other foundational approaches, including some resource theories of knowledge and quantum histories; 3) present some of my research on a category theoretic framework for a multi-agent information relativity. More details on part 1: this approach does not rely on probability theory, spectral theory, or Hilbert spaces. Normalisation of states, convexity, and tensor products are allowed but not assumed foundationally. Nonlinear generalisation of quantum kinematics and dynamics is constructed using geometric structures (quantum relative entropies and Banach Lie--Poisson structure) over the sets of quantum states on W*-algebras. In particular, unitary evolution is generalised to nonlinear hamiltonian flows, while Lueders' rules are generalised to constrained relative entropy maximisations. Combined together, they provide a framework for causal inference that is a generalisation and replacement for completely positive maps, with information dynamics determined directly by epistemic constraints, and no requirement for lack of correlation. Orthodox probability theory and quantum mechanics are special cases of this framework. I will also give the progress report on the reconstruction conjecture: given the category of sets of abstract "states" equipped with the suitably defined entropic distances and BLP structure, how one reconstructs the W*-algebraic case? The discussion of the consistent operational semantics for this approach will lead us to the parts 2 and 3.
Symplectic covariant quantum Brownian motion: the harmonic oscillator of open systems
Jess Riedel NTT Research
In the study of closed quantum system, the simple harmonic oscillator is ubiquitous because all smooth potentials look quadratic locally, and exhaustively understanding it is very valuable because it is exactly solvable. Although not widely appreciated, Markovian quantum Brownian motion (QBM) plays almost exactly the same role in the study of open quantum systems. QBM is ubiquitous because it arises from only the Markov assumption and linear Lindblad operators, and it likewise has an elegant and transparent exact solution. QBM is often introduced with specific non-Markovian models like Caldeira-Leggett, but this makes it very difficult to see which phenomena are universal and which are idiosyncratic to the model. Like frictionless classical mechanics or nonrenormalizable field theories, the exact Markov property is aphysical, but handling this subtlety is a small price to pay for the extreme generality. The widest class of QBM dynamics is symplectic invariant and includes Einstein-Smoluchowski diffusion, damped harmonic oscillations, and pure spatial decoherence as special cases, whose close relationship is often obscured.
Spectral Lines from Relic Quantum Nonequilibrium
Nicolas Underwood Clemson University
In the de Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave formulation of quantum theory, standard quantum probabilities arise spontaneously through a process of dynamical relaxation that is broadly similar to thermal relaxation in classical physics. If we are to regard this process as the cause of the quantum probabilities we observe today, then we must infer a primordial ‘quantum nonequilibrium’ in the remote past. Such quantum nonequilibrium may have left observable traces today, perhaps in the cosmic microwave background, or in relic particle species that decoupled in the very early universe and that have been sufficiently minimally interacting ever since. The search for the dark matter–that we observe today only through its gravitational interactions–has provided a compendium of particle species that could at least in
principle carry quantum nonequilibrium. If they did indeed exist, nonequilibrium distributions would not only demonstrate the need to reevaluate the canonical quantum formalism, but also generate new phenomena that lie outside the domain of conventional quantum theory, potentially opening up a large domain for investigation. We will develop a simple, parameter free, quantum field theoretical model of spectral measurement, and use it to demonstrate some of the novel effects that could occur to the profiles of the line spectra of such relic particles. We find for instance, line broadening effects that scale with the resolution of the telescope, the possibility of line narrowing and other effects that could cause multiple bumps to form. We use this discussion to comment on possible implications on the indirect search for dark matter. -
Theoretical Structure and Theoretical Equivalence
James Weatherall University of California, Irvine
Our physical theories often admit multiple formulations or variants. Although these variants are generally empirically indistinguishable, they nonetheless appear to represent the world as having different structures. In this talk, I will discuss several criteria for comparing empirically equivalent theories that may be used to identify (1) when one variant has more structure than another (i.e., when a formulation of a theory has “excess structure”) and (2) when two variants are theoretically equivalent, even though they appear to represent the world differently. I will then discuss where this leaves the philosopher trying to use our empirically successful theories as a guide to the structure of the world.
Classical and Quantum Correlations in Networks
Armin Tavakoli Stockholm University
Bell inequalities bound the strength of classical correlations arising between outcomes of measurements performed on subsystems of a shared physical system. The ability of quantum theory to violate Bell inequalities has been intensively studied for several decades. Recently, there has been an increased interest in studying physical correlations beyond the scenario of Bell inequalities, to more general network structures involving many sources of physical states and observers that may be measuring on subsystems of independent states. Much less is known about the nature of physical correlations in networks as compared to standard Bell inequalities. In this talk we will discuss the motivation and interest for studying such network correlations, review the recent progress in understanding such networks, and discuss the many open questions and new possible directions for research on this topic.
Quantum theory with indefinite causal structure
Ognyan Oreshkov Université Libre de Bruxelles
Quantum theory can be understood as a theory of information processing in the circuit framework for operational probabilistic theories. This approach presupposes a definite casual structure as well as a preferred time direction. But in general relativity, the causal structure of space-time is dynamical and not predefined, which indicates that a quantum theory that could incorporate gravity requires a more general operational paradigm. In this talk, I will describe recent progress in this direction. First, I will show how relaxing the assumption that local operations take place in a global causal structure leads to a generalized framework that unifies all signaling and non-signaling quantum correlations in space-time via an extension of the density matrix called the process matrix. This framework also contains a new kind of correlations incompatible with any definite causal structure, which violate causal inequalities, the general theory of which I am going to present. I will then present an extension of the process matrix framework, in which no predefined causal structure is assumed even locally. This is based on a more general, time-neutral notion of operation, which leads to new insights into the problem of time-reversal symmetry in quantum mechanics, the meaning of causality, and the fact that we remember the past but not the future. In the resultant generalized formulation of quantum theory, operations are associated with regions that can be connected in networks with no directionality assumed for the connections. The theory is compatible with timelike loops and other acausal structures.
“Formal” Versus “Empirical” Approaches to Quantum–Classical Reduction
Joshua Rosaler University of Pittsburgh
I distinguish two types of reduction within the context of quantum-classical relations, which I designate “formal” and “empirical”. Formal reduction holds or fails to hold solely by virtue of the mathematical relationship between two theories; it is therefore a two-place, a priori relation between theories. Empirical reduction requires one theory to encompass the range of physical behaviors that are well-modeled in another theory; in a certain sense, it is a three-place, a posteriori relation connecting the theories and the domain of physical reality that both serve to describe. Focusing on the relationship between classical and quantum mechanics, I argue that while certain formal results concerning singular ℏ→0 limits have been taken to preclude the possibility of reduction between these theories, such results at most provide support for the claim that singular limits block reduction in the formal sense; little if any reason has been given for thinking that they block reduction in the empirical sense. I then briefly outline a strategy for empirical reduction that is suggested by work on decoherence theory, arguing that this sort of account remains a fully viable route to the empirical reduction of classical to quantum mechanics and is unaffected by such singular limits.
Postquantum steering
Ana Belen Sainz Gdańsk University of Technology
The discovery of postquantum nonlocality, i.e. the existence of nonlocal correlations stronger than any quantum correlations but nevertheless consistent with the no-signaling principle, has deepened our understanding of the foundations quantum theory. In this work, we investigate whether the phenomenon of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, a different form of quantum nonlocality, can also be generalized beyond quantum theory. While postquantum steering does not exist in the bipartite case, we prove its existence in the case of three observers. Importantly, we show that post-quantum steering is a genuinely new phenomenon, fundamentally different from postquantum nonlocality. Our results provide new insight into the nonlocal correlations of multipartite quantum systems.
Quantum Correlations: Dimension Bounds and Conic Formulations
In this talk, I will discuss correlations that can be generated by performing local measurements on bipartite quantum systems. I'll present an algebraic characterization of the set of quantum correlations which allows us to identify an easy-to-compute lower bound on the smallest Hilbert space dimension needed to generate a quantum correlation. I will then discuss some examples showing the tightness of our lower bound. Also, the algebraic characterization can be used to express the set of quantum correlations as the projection of an affine section of the cone of completely positive semidefinite matrices. Using this, we identify a semidefinite programming outer approximation to the set of quantum correlations which is contained in the first level of the Navascués, Pironio and Acín hierarchy, and a linear conic programming problem formulating exactly the quantum value of a nonlocal game. Time permitting, I will discuss other consequences of these conic formulations and some interesting special cases.
This talk is based on work with Antonios Varvitsiotis and Zhaohui Wei, arXiv:1507.00213 and arXiv:1506.07297. -
Copies, currencies and catalysis: beyond the tensor product, pure states and other spherical cows
Lidia del Rio University of Zurich
How may we quantify the value of physical resources, such as entangled quantum states, heat baths or lasers? Existing resource theories give us partial answers; however, these rely on idealizations, like the concept of perfectly independent copies of states used to derive conversion rates. As these idealizations are impossible to implement in practice, such results may be of little consequence for experimentalists.
In this talk I introduce tools to quantify realistic descriptions of resources, applicable for example when we do not have perfect control over a physical system, when only the neighbourhood of a state or some of its properties are known, or when slight correlations cannot be ruled out.
Some resources, like entanglement, can be characterized in terms of copies of local states: we generalize this with operational ways to describe composition and copies of realistic resources, without assuming a tensor product structure. For others, like thermodynamic work, value is seen as a real function on physical states, like the height of a weight. While value is often expected to behave linearly, that simplification excludes many real-life resources: for example, the operational value of money, in terms of what can be done with it, is hardly linear on the amount of coin, and even has catalytic aspects above certain thresholds. We characterize resources that behave linearly and those that allow for investments - in the extreme, catalytic resources.
This work is an application of the framework introduced in arXiv:1511.08818.
On Noncontextual, Non-Kolmogorovian Hidden Variable Theories
Benjamin Feintzeig University of California, Irvine
One implication of Bell's theorem is that there cannot in general be hidden variable models for quantum mechanics that both are noncontextual and retain the structure of a classical probability space. Thus, some hidden variable programs aim to retain noncontextuality at the cost of using a generalization of the Kolmogorov probability axioms. We present a theorem to show that such programs are committed to the existence of a finite null cover for some quantum mechanical experiments, i.e., a finite collection of probability zero events whose disjunction exhausts the space of possibilities. This serves as a kind of "no-go" theorem for these alternative, or generalized, probability theories.
Quantum Clocks
Time in quantum mechanics has duly received a lot of attention over the years. Perfect clocks which can turn on/off a particular interaction at a precise time that have been proposed only exist in infinite dimensions and have unphysical Hamiltonians (their spectrum is unbounded from below). It was this observation which led many to conclude that an operator for time cannot exist in quantum mechanics. Here, we prove rigorous results about the accuracy of finite dimensional clocks and show that they can well approximate their infinite dimensional counterparts under the right conditions.