Recent advancements in photodetection technologies and spectroscopy hold the promise of transforming intensity interferometry, thereby revolutionizing observational Astronomy by enabling observations to resolve significantly fainter objects than currently possible. This workshop serves as a platform to unite experts in photodetection, theoretical and observational astronomy, as well as observers and theorists from diverse disciplines, to explore the multifaceted capabilities of intensity interferometry.
The workshop's focus spans three key objectives:
- Develop and disseminate novel ideas concerning science cases unique to intensity interferometry.
- Synthesize insights from observers and photodetector experts concerning the requisite technologies and experimental techniques which will allow for new science with intensity interferometry.
- Initiate a concentrated effort to propel the development of large telescope arrays dedicated to intensity interferometry.
This workshop will be exclusively organized in plenary sessions, providing ample time for engaging discussions among participants.
Scientific Organizers
Masha Baryakhtar - University of Washington
Neal Dalal - Perimeter Institute
Marios Galanis - Perimeter Institute
Junwu Huang - Perimeter Institute
Format results
Supernova Morphology and Hubble Constant with Intensity Interferometer
I-Kai Chen New York University (NYU)
Extended-Path Intensity Correlation
Ken Van Tilburg New York University (NYU)
Two-Photon Methods for Astrometric Gravitational Wave Detection
Paul Stankus Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bayesian Imaging for Intensity Interferometry with Deep Generative Priors
Biwei Dai University of California, Berkeley
Image Reconstruction From Intensity Interferometry
Albert Stebbins Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Generative AI for Image Reconstruction: A First Attempt
Prasenjit Saha University of Zurich