Understanding the small-scale structure of spacetime is one of the biggest challenges faced by modern theoretical physics. There are many different attempts to solve this problem and they reflect the diversity of approaches to quantum gravity. This workshop will bring together researchers from a wide range of quantum gravity approaches and give them an opportunity to exchange ideas and gain new insights.
Format results
Gravitational Waves: the theorist's swiss knife
Mairi Sakellariadou King's College London
Tabletop Insights into Quantum Gravity?
Ruth Gregory King's College London
The Holographic Landscape of Symmetric Product Orbifolds
Alejandra Castro University of Cambridge
Quantum Sine-Gordon model in perturbative AQFT
Dorothea Bahns University of Göttingen
Semiclassical Einstein equations in cosmological spacetimes
Nicola Pinamonti Università degli Studi di Genova (UniGe)
AdS/CFT and string sigma-model non-perturbatively
Valentina Forini University of London
Spacetime Foam and the Cosmological Constant
Steve Carlip University of California, Davis
How much geometry is in a truncated spectral triple?
Lisa Glaser University of Vienna
Evaporating Black Holes in AdS
Netta Engelhardt Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Higher spin symmetry in gravity and string
Wei Li Chinese Academy of Sciences
Towards inclusion of biology in cosmology
Marina Cortes Institute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences