7657 - 7668 of 18366 Results
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Phenomenology of many-body localization
Vadim Oganesyan City University of New York
Wasserstein-geometry as a natural language for Quantum hydrodynamics
Bernadette Lessel Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG)
Network Gravity: A New Framework for Emergent Geometry
John Lombard University of Washington
Cluster Theory is the Moduli Theory of A-branes in 4-manifolds
Harold Williams University of California, Davis
The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Chad Hanna Pennsylvania State University
Light Dark Matter from Boltzmann Tails
Raffaele D’Agnolo Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Measuring the cosmological parameters with strong gravitational lensing
Thomas Collett University of Portsmouth