Hyperbolic compactification of M-theory and de Sitter quantum gravity Gonzalo Torroba (Centro Atómico Bariloche) June 23, 2021 strings:20211037
String universality, particle physics and cosmology Mirjam Cvetic (U of Pennsylvania), Gary Shiu (U of Wisconsin-Madison) June 22, 2021 strings:20211016
Bulk causal features and boundary correlation in AdS/CFT Alex May (U British Columbia) June 22, 2021 strings:20211017
Finiteness, compactness, desert, and the swampland Cumrun Vafa (Harvard U) June 22, 2021 strings:20211019
New constraints on neutrinos from the swampland Eduardo Gonzalo (U Madrid) June 22, 2021 strings:20211022
Solving a 40-year-old problem: 11D superfield (shared talk) Yangrui Hu (Brown U) June 22, 2021 strings:20211023
Distinguishing random states and black holes Jonah Kudler-Flam (U Chicago) June 22, 2021 strings:20211024
Bounds on Regge growth of flat space scattering from bounds on chaos Suman Kundu (Tata Inst. for Fundamental Research) June 22, 2021 strings:20211025
Hyperbolic compactification of M-theory and de Sitter quantum gravity Gonzalo Torroba (Centro Atómico Bariloche) June 23, 2021 strings:20211037
String universality, particle physics and cosmology Mirjam Cvetic (U of Pennsylvania), Gary Shiu (U of Wisconsin-Madison) June 22, 2021 strings:20211016
Bulk causal features and boundary correlation in AdS/CFT Alex May (U British Columbia) June 22, 2021 strings:20211017
Finiteness, compactness, desert, and the swampland Cumrun Vafa (Harvard U) June 22, 2021 strings:20211019
New constraints on neutrinos from the swampland Eduardo Gonzalo (U Madrid) June 22, 2021 strings:20211022
Solving a 40-year-old problem: 11D superfield (shared talk) Yangrui Hu (Brown U) June 22, 2021 strings:20211023
Distinguishing random states and black holes Jonah Kudler-Flam (U Chicago) June 22, 2021 strings:20211024
Bounds on Regge growth of flat space scattering from bounds on chaos Suman Kundu (Tata Inst. for Fundamental Research) June 22, 2021 strings:20211025