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Why there is no information loss
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Astrophysics and Cosmology through Problems - 14A
Mark Wyman PDT Partners LLC
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
Quantum Nature of the Big bang in Simple Models.
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Emergent supersymmetry and holographic non-Fermi liquid
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
The EPR Illusion: States, Counterfactuals and Elements of Reality
Allen Stairs University of Maryland, College Park
Fingerprints of the early universe
Hiranya Peiris University of Cambridge
Lecture 14B
Mark Wyman PDT Partners LLC
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08120008This course is aimed at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, and is inspired by a book by the same title, written by Padmanabhan. Each session consists of solving one or two pre-determined problems, which is done by a randomly picked student. While the problems introduce various subjects in Astrophysics and Cosmology, they do not serve as replacement for standard courses in these subjects, and are rather aimed at educating students with hands-on analytic/numerical skills to attack new problems.-
Why there is no information loss
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Using 2-dimensional CGHS black holes, I will argue that information is not lost in the Hawking evaporation because the quantum space-time is significantly larger than the classical one. I will begin with a discussion of the conceptual underpinnings of problem and then introduce a general, non-perturbative framework to describe quantum CGHS black holes. I will show that the Hawking effect emerges from it in the first approximation. Finally, I will introduce a mean field approximation to argue that, when the back reaction is included, future null infinity is `long enough\' to capture full information contained in pure states at past null infinity and that the S-matrix is unitary. There are no macroscopic remnants.Astrophysics and Cosmology through Problems - 14A
Mark Wyman PDT Partners LLC
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08120002This course is aimed at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, and is inspired by a book by the same title, written by Padmanabhan. Each session consists of solving one or two pre-determined problems, which is done by a randomly picked student. While the problems introduce various subjects in Astrophysics and Cosmology, they do not serve as replacement for standard courses in these subjects, and are rather aimed at educating students with hands-on analytic/numerical skills to attack new problems.-
The Physics of Impossible Things
Ben Schumacher Kenyon College
PIRSA:08120044Some things can happen in our Universe, and others cannot. The laws of physics establish the boundary between possibility and impossibility. Physicists naturally spend most of their time thinking about the possible. In this lecture, however, we will make a brief reconnaissance across the frontier to study impossible things and discover the surprising connections between them. We will encounter standard science-fiction devices like time machines and faster-than-light spaceships -- as well as other, less-familiar prodigies including quantum cloners and bounded electromagnetic miracles. A safe return to the real world is unconditionally guaranteed.
Benjamin Schumacher is Professor of Physics at Kenyon College, where he has taught for twenty years. He was an undergraduate at Hendrix College and received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990, where he was the last doctoral student of John Archibald Wheeler.
As one of the founders of quantum information theory, Professor Schumacher introduced the term qubit, invented quantum data compression (also known as Schumacher compression), and established several fundamental results about the information capacity of quantum systems. For his contributions he won the 2002 Quantum Communication Award, the premier international prize in the field, and was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Besides his interest in quantum information theory, Dr. Schumacher has contributed to other areas involving black holes, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. He is the author of numerous scientific papers and a textbook, Physics in Spacetime: An introduction to special relativity.
Professor Schumacher has been a visitor at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Institute for Quantum Information at Caltech (where he was a Moore Distinguished Scholar), the Isaac Newton Institute of Cambridge University, the Santa Fe Institute, Perimeter Institute and the Universities of New Mexico, Montreal, Innsbruck and Queensland. At Kenyon College, Professor Schumacher teaches physics, but he also regularly ventures into astronomy, mathematics, scientific computing and the humanities.Quantum boolean functions
Ashley Montanaro University of Bristol
In recent years, the analysis of boolean functions has arisen as an important theme in theoretical computer science. In this talk I will discuss an extension of the concept of a boolean function to quantum computation. It turns out that many important classical results in the theory of boolean functions have natural quantum analogues. These include property testing of boolean functions; the Goldreich-Levin algorithm for approximately learning boolean functions; and a theorem of Friedgut, Kalai and Naor on the Fourier spectra of boolean functions. The quantum generalisation of this theorem uses a quantum extension of the hypercontractive inequality of Bonami, Gross and Beckner. This talk is based on joint work with Tobias Osborne.Quantum Field Theory 1 - Lecture 13B
Volodya Miransky Western University
PIRSA:08120011Quantum Field Theory I course taught by Volodya Miransky of the University of Western OntarioQuantum Nature of the Big bang in Simple Models.
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
According to general relativity, space-time ends at singularities and classical physics just stops. In particular, the big bang is regarded as The Beginning. However, general relativity is incomplete because it ignores quantum effects. Through simple models, I will illustrate how the quantum nature of space-time geometry resolves the big bang singularity. Quantum physics does not stop there. Indeed, quantum space-times can be vastly larger than what general relativity had us believe, with unforeseen physical effects in the deep Planck regime.Bell\'s theorem and monogamy
Ben Schumacher Kenyon College
Quantum entanglement has two remarkable properties. First, according to Bell\'s theorem, the statistical correlations between entangled quantum systems are inconsistent with any theory of local hidden variables. Second, entanglement is monogamous -- that is, to the degree that A and B are entangled with each other, they cannot be entangled with any other systems. It turns out that these properties are intimately related.Quantum Field Theory 1 - Lecture 13A
Volodya Miransky Western University
PIRSA:08120005Quantum Field Theory I course taught by Volodya Miransky of the University of Western OntarioEmergent supersymmetry and holographic non-Fermi liquid
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
Understanding dynamics of strongly coupled quantum field theories is an important problem in both condensed matter physics and high energy physics. In condensed matter systems, interacting quantum field theories can arise either at a critical point, or in a finite region of a parameter space. In the former case, massless modes arise as a result of fine tuning of external parameters, while, in the latter case, massless modes are protected by topology and/or symmetry. In this talk, I will discuss two examples in 2+1 dimensions (one for each case) where one can understand strong coupling physics nonperturbatively. In the first example, a lattice model which describes a superconducting phase transition will be discussed. In this model, a superconformal symmetry dynamically emerges at the quantum critical point and one can predict non-trivial critical exponents using the enlarged symmetry, even though there is no underlying supersymmetry in the microscopic model. In the second example, I will discuss about a 2+1 dimensional non-relativistic quantum field theory which is dual to a gravitational theory in the AdS4 background with a charged black hole. The spectral function of a fermion field exhibits an interesting non-Fermi liquid behavior, that is, all momentum points inside the Fermi surface are critical and the gapless modes are defined in a critical Fermi ball in the momentum space.The EPR Illusion: States, Counterfactuals and Elements of Reality
Allen Stairs University of Maryland, College Park
We all know that the EPR argument fails, and we can all provide proofs of one sort or another that it can\'t work. But in spite of this, there\'s something curiously tempting about the reasoning, and the temptation sometimes leads to needless perplexity about other issues. This paper will do two things. It will offer a diagnosis of where the EPR argument goes wrong that shows why we should be suspicious long before we get to Bell-type results, and then use the thought behind this diagnosis to suggest an orientation toward thinking about quantum states. The proposal for understanding states will have some things in common with Bayesian approaches, but will part company with them on some crucial points.Fingerprints of the early universe
Hiranya Peiris University of Cambridge
I will review recent progress in testing with cosmological data the inflationary hypothesis for describing the very early universe. I will present snapshots of different aspects of confronting the theory with data, including a \'bottom-up\' approach: the latest results from a systematic reconstruction of the inflationary dynamics; and a \'top- down\' approach: testing specific string theoretic constructions that attempt to implement inflation, while predicting distinctive observables not found in simple field-theory models. I will discuss the ambiguities inherent in attempting to quantify generic predictions of the inflationary \'paradigm\' (as opposed to the predictions of specific models). Finally, I will discuss (in a manner accessible to theoreticians) the astrophysical complexities underlying an observational program to look for primordial tensor modes that will discriminate between inflation and alternative theories.