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Non-contextual correlations in probabilistic models
Andreas Winter University of Bristol
An introduction to the pure-spinor formalism for the superstring - Part 1
Giuseppe Policastro École Normale Supérieure - PSL
Composite systems and information processing
Howard Barnum University of New Mexico
Quantum correlations with no causal order
Časlav Brukner Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Some Negative Remarks on Operational Approaches to Quantum Theory
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
How Fundamental is the Uncertainty Principle?
Renato Renner ETH Zurich
According to quantum theory, it is impossible to prepare the state of a system such that the outcome of any projective measurement on the system can be predicted with certainty. This limitation of predictive power, which is known as the uncertainty principle, is one of the main distinguishing properties of quantum theory when compared to classical theories. In this talk, I will discuss the implications of this principle to foundational questions. In particular, I will consider the hypothesis that the uncertainty principle, rather than (only) telling us something about reality, may be seen as a manifestation of the limitations of our (classical) methods used to describe reality.Quantum information, the ambiguity of the past, and the complexity of the present
Charles Bennett IBM (United States)
Entanglement provides a coherent view of the physical origin of randomness and the growth and decay of correlations, even in macroscopic systems exhibiting few traditional quantum hallmarks. It helps explain why the future is more uncertain than the past, and how correlations can become macroscopic and classical by being redundantly replicated throughout a system's environment. The most private information, exemplified by a quantum eraser experiment, exists only transiently: after the experiment is over no record remains anywhere in the universe of what "happened". At the other extreme is information that has been so widely replicated as to be infeasible to conceal and unlikely to be forgotten. But such conspicuous information is exceptional: a comparison of entropy flows into and out of the Earth with estimates of the planet's storage capacity leads to the conclusion that most macroscopic classical information---for example the pattern of drops in last week's rainfall---is impermanent, eventually becoming nearly as ambiguous, from a terrestrial perspective, as the transient result of a quantum eraser experiment. Finally we discuss prerequisites for a system to accumulate and maintain in its present state, as our world does, a complex and redundant record of at least some features of its past. Not all dynamics and initial conditions lead to this behavior, and in those that do, the behavior itself tends to be temporary, with the system losing its memory, and even its classical character, as it relaxes to thermal equilibrium.Is the universe exponentially complicated? A no-go theorem for hidden variable interpretations of quantum theory.
Jonathan Barrett University of Oxford
The quantum mechanical state vector is a complicated object. In particular, the amount of data that must be given in order to specify the state vector (even approximately) increases exponentially with the number of quantum systems. Does this mean that the universe is, in some sense, exponentially complicated? I argue that the answer is yes, if the state vector is a one-to-one description of some part of physical reality. This is the case according to both the Everett and Bohm interpretations. But another possibility is that the state vector merely represents information about an underlying reality. In this case, the exponential complexity of the state vector is no more disturbing that that of a classical probability distribution: specifying a probability distribution over N variables also requires an amount of data that is exponential in N. This leaves the following question: does there exist an interpretation of quantum theory such that (i) the state vector merely represents information and (ii) the underlying reality is simple to describe (i.e., not exponential)? Adapting recent results in communication complexity, I will show that the answer is no. Just as any realist interpretation of quantum theory must be non-locally-causal (by Bell's theorem), any realist interpretation must describe an exponentially complicated reality.Non-contextual correlations in probabilistic models
Andreas Winter University of Bristol
Non-contextuality is presented as an abstraction and at the same time generalisation of locality. Rather than in correlations, the underlying physical model leaves its signature in collections of expectation values, which are contrained by inequalities much like Bell's or Tsirelson's inequalities. These non-contextual inequalities reveal a deep connection to classic topics in graph theory, such as independence numbers, Lovasz numbers and other graph parameters. By considering the special case of bi-local experiments, we arrive at a semidefinite relaxation (and indeed a whole hierarchy of such relaxations) for the problem of determining the maximum quantum violation of a given Bell inequality.An introduction to the pure-spinor formalism for the superstring - Part 1
Giuseppe Policastro École Normale Supérieure - PSL
Pure spinors, BRST cohomology and tree-level amplitudes3 >> 2
Valerio Scarani National University of Singapore
Three-partite quantum systems exhibit interesting features that are absent in bipartite ones. Several instances are classics by now: the GHZ argument, the W state, the UPB bound entangled states, Svetlichny inequalities... In this talk, I shall discuss some on-going research projects that we are pursuing in my group (in collaboration, or in friendly competition, with other groups) and that involve three-partite entanglement or non-locality: * Activation of non-locality in networks. * Device-independent assessment of the entangling power of a measurement. * Can one falsify all models of hidden communication with finite speed? * Information causality in the three-partite scenario. I shall conclude by a blind excursion into uncertainty relations and cryptography, which also shows 3>>2 albeit with a different meaning.Dynamical quantum nonlocality
Sandu Popescu University of Bristol
In my talk I raise the question of the fundamental limits to the size of thermal machines - refrigerators, heat pumps and work producing engines - and I will present the smallest possible ones. I will also discuss the issue of a possible complementarity between size and efficiency and show that even the smallest machines could be maximally efficient. Finally I will present a new point of view over what is work and what do thermal machines actually do.Composite systems and information processing
Howard Barnum University of New Mexico
The talk will focus primarily on recent work with Alexander Wilce in which we show that any locally tomographic composite of a qubit with any finite-dimensional homogeneous self-dual (equivalently Jordan-algebraic) system must be a standard finite-dimensional quantum (i.e. $C^*$-algebraic) system. I may touch on work in progress with collaborators on composites of arbitrary homogeneous self-dual systems. As motivation I will relate the properties of homogeneity and weak and strong self-duality to information processing phenomena, especially Schrooedingerian "steering" and teleportation (touching on earlier work with Wilce and Gaebler, as well as Barrett and Leifer). If time permits I will explain the relation between some category-theoretic notions coming from the approach of Abramsky and Coecke and Selinger, notably compactness and dagger-compactness, to weak self-duality (work with Ross Duncan and Wilce).Randomness amplification
Roger Colbeck University of York
I will discuss what we know about creating randomness within physics. Although quantum theory prescribes completely random outcomes to particular processes, could it be that within a yet-to-be-discovered post-quantum theory these outcomes are predictable? We have recently shown that this is not possible, using a very natural assumption. In the present talk, I will discuss some recent progress towards relaxing this assumption, providing arguably the strongest evidence yet for truly random processes in our world.Astrophysical constraints on dark matter annihilation with Sommerfeld enhancement
Jesus Zavala Franco University of Iceland
In recent years, a number of observations have highlighted anomalies that might be explained by invoking dark matter annihilation. The excess of high energy positrons in cosmic rays reported by the PAMELA experiment is only one of the most prominent examples of such anomalies. Models where dark matter annihilates offer an attractive possibility to explain these observations, provided that the annihilation rate is enhanced over the typical values given by conventional models of thermal relic dark matter annihilation. An elegant proposal to achieve this, is that of a Sommerfeld mechanism produced by a mutual interaction between the dark matter particles prior to their annihilation. However, this enhancement can not be arbitrarily large without violating a number of astrophysical measurements. In this talk, I will discuss the degree to which these measurements can constrain Sommerfeld-enhanced models. In particular, I will talk about constraints coming from the actual abundance of dark matter and the extragalactic background light measured at multiple wavelengths.Quantum correlations with no causal order
Časlav Brukner Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
Much of the recent progress in understanding quantum theory has been achieved within an operational approach. Within this context quantum mechanics is viewed as a theory for making probabilistic predictions for measurement outcomes following specified preparations. However, thus far some of the essential elements of the theory â space, time and causal structure â elude such an operational formulation and are assumed to be fixed. Is it possible to extend the operational approach to quantum mechanics such that the notions of an underlying spacetime or causal structure are not assumed? What new phenomenology can follow from such an approach? We develop a framework for multipartite quantum correlations that does not presume these notions, but simply that experimenters in their local laboratories are free to perform arbitrary quantum operations. All known situations that respect definite causal order, including signalling and no-signalling correlations between space-like and time-like separated experiments, as well as probabilistic mixtures of these, can be expressed in this framework. Remarkably, we find quantum correlations which are neither causally ordered nor in a probabilistic mixture of definite causal orders. These correlations are shown to enable performing a communication task that is impossible if a fixed background time is assumed and the events are sufficiently localized in the time.Some Negative Remarks on Operational Approaches to Quantum Theory
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Over the last 10 years there has been an explosion of âÂÂoperational reconstructionsâ of quantum theory. This is great stuff: For, through it, we come to see the myriad ways in which the quantum formalism can be chopped into primitives and, through clever toil, brought back together to form a smooth whole. An image of an IQ-Block puzzle comes to mind, There is no doubt that this is invaluable work, particularly for our understanding of the intricate connections between so many quantum information protocols. But to me, it seems to miss the mark for an ultimate understanding of quantum theory; I am left hungry. I still want to know what strange property of matter forces this formalism upon our information accounting. To play on something Einstein once wrote to Max Born, âÂÂThe quantum reconstructions are certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that they are not yet the real thing. The reconstructions say a lot, but do not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old oneâÂÂ." In this talk, I hope to expand on these points and convey some sense of why I am fascinated with the problem of the symmetric informationally complete POVMs to an extent greater than axiomatic reconstructions.