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Line Defect Quantum Numbers and Anomalies


Dumitrescu, T. (2022). Line Defect Quantum Numbers and Anomalies. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Thomas Dumitrescu University of California, Los Angeles

Talk numberPIRSA:22060021
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Conference


I will consider four-dimensional gauge theories whose global symmetries admit certain discrete ’t Hooft anomalies that are intimately related to the (fractionalized) global-symmetry quantum numbers of Wilson-’t Hooft line defects in the theory. Determining these quantum numbers is typically straightforward for Wilson lines, but requires a careful analysis of fermion zero modes for ’t Hooft lines, which I will describe for several classes of examples. This in turn leads to a calculation of the anomaly. Along the way I will comment on how this understanding relates to some classic and recent examples in the literature.