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Positive representations of quantum groups and higher Teichmuller theory


Shapiro, A. (2017). Positive representations of quantum groups and higher Teichmuller theory. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Alexander Shapiro University of Edinburgh

Talk numberPIRSA:17010061
Source RepositoryPIRSA


Positive representations are infinite-dimensional bimodules for the quantum group and its modular dual U_{q^\vee}(\mathfrak{g}^\vee)where both act by positive essentially self-adjoint operators. Fifteen years ago Ponsot and Teschner showed that positive representations are closed under taking tensor products in the case g = sl(2), however similar conjecture remains open for all other types. I will outline its proof for g = sl(n) based on a joint work in progress with Gus Schrader. I will also argue that this conjecture is the key step towards the proof of the modular functor conjecture for quantized higher Teichmuller theories.