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Electroweak Monopole - Yongmin Cho


(2016). Electroweak Monopole - Yongmin Cho. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Talk numberPIRSA:16020110
Source RepositoryPIRSA


We propose the discovery of the electroweak monopole as the final test of the standard model. Unlike the Dirac's monopole in electrodynamics which is optional, the electroweak monopole must exist within the framework of the standard model because the $U(1)_{em}$ becomes non-trivial. We estimate the mass of the monopole to be around 4 to 7 TeV, and expect the production rate to be relatively large, $(1/\alpha_{em})^2$ times bigger than the WW production rate. This implies that the MoEDAL detector at LHC could have a real chance to detect it.