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FERMI 130 GeV Line: Dark Interpretations


McCullough, M. (2013). FERMI 130 GeV Line: Dark Interpretations. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Matthew McCullough Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Talk numberPIRSA:13020150
Source RepositoryPIRSA


Last year strong evidence was claimed for a 130 GeV gamma ray line from the galactic center in the FERMI telescope data.  In the first half of the talk I will review the status of the evidence, including recent suggestions which call it into question.  In the second half of the talk, under the bold assumption that the line is a genuine signature of dark matter, I will review some of the properties required of dark matter to explain the line and the general features of models proposed to explain it.  This second half will include material from recent work with Francesco D'Eramo and Jesse Thaler (arxiv:1210.7817), which suggests that the line is readily explained by dark matter "semi-annihilation" rather than the standard annihilation interpretation.