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Superradiant Superconductivity


Baskaran, G. (2012). Superradiant Superconductivity. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Baskaran Ganapathy Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Talk numberPIRSA:12110071
Source RepositoryPIRSA


In Dicke Superradiance, a collection of 2-level atoms interacting with a single boson mode acquires, through quantum coherence, an enhanced emission property and a rich dynamics. We suggest possibility of Dicke superradiance in a BCS superconductor. The necessary 2-level atoms are identified with  Anderson pseudo spins seeing a self consistent mean field in k-space.  A way to couple these 2-level bose atoms to an external boson mode and create a novel non equilibrium superradiant superconductivity (SRSC) is suggested. Our mechanism offers a hope to realize transient superconductivity, even at room temperatures, in the pseudo gap phase of certain underdoped cuprates. Recent experiments are briefly discussed in this light. Further SRSC exhibits interesting quantum entanglement and superfluorescence properties.