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Brane Tilings, M2 Branes and Chern Simons theories


Hanany, A. (2009). Brane Tilings, M2 Branes and Chern Simons theories. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Amihay Hanany Imperial College London

Talk numberPIRSA:09020013
Source RepositoryPIRSA


Brane Tilings are known to describe the largest known class of SCFT's in 3+1 dimensions. There is a well established formalism to find AdS_5 x SE_5 duals to these SCFT's and to compare results on both sides. This talk extends this formalism to 2+1 dimensional SCFT's, living on the world volume of M2 branes, which are dual to AdS_4 x SE_7 backgrounds of M theory. The SCFT's are quiver gauge theories with 4 supercharges (N=2 in 2+1 dimensions) and Chern Simons (CS) couplings. They admit a moduli space of vacuum configurations which is a CY4 cone over SE_7. The talk will go over the formalism and look at several examples in detail. The computation of scaling dimensions will be mentioned and relations to regular toric Fano 3-folds if time permits.