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Categories of Convex Sets and C*-Algebras


Furber, R. (2014). Categories of Convex Sets and C*-Algebras. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Robert Furber Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Talk numberPIRSA:14040140
Source RepositoryPIRSA


The start of the talk will be an outline how the ordinary notions of quantum theory translate into the category of C*-algebras, where there are several possible choices of morphisms. The second half will relate this to a category of convex sets used as state spaces. Alfsen and Shultz have characterized the convex sets arising from state spaces C*-algebras and this result can be applied to get a categorical equivalence between C*-algebras and state spaces of C*-algebras which is a generalization of the equivalence between the Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures.