
Clustering in interacting dark energy cosmologies


Pettorino, V. (2008). Clustering in interacting dark energy cosmologies. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. https://pirsa.org/08110038


Pettorino, Valeria. Clustering in interacting dark energy cosmologies. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Nov. 14, 2008, https://pirsa.org/08110038


          @misc{ scivideos_PIRSA:08110038,
            doi = {10.48660/08110038},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/08110038},
            author = {Pettorino, Valeria},
            keywords = {Cosmology},
            language = {en},
            title = {Clustering in interacting dark energy cosmologies},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics},
            year = {2008},
            month = {nov},
            note = {PIRSA:08110038 see, \url{https://scivideos.org/index.php/pirsa/08110038}}

Valeria Pettorino Universität Heidelberg

Talk numberPIRSA:08110038
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Scientific Series


I will illustrate the case of interacting dark Energy, that is to say cosmologies in which the dark energy scalar field interacts with other things in the universe (gravity, cold dark matter or neutrinos). After briefly presenting the status of our work for the first two classes of models, regarding both linear perturbations and Nbody simulations, I will in particular focus on the case of \'growing neutrinos\': in these models, neutrinos with a mass increasing with time might be driven to cluster at very large scales, due to a new interaction stronger than gravity and mediated by the dark energy scalar field.