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Is Nothing Sacred? The Cosmological Pay Off from Breaking Lorentz and Diffeormorphism Invariance


Magueijo, J. (2012). Is Nothing Sacred? The Cosmological Pay Off from Breaking Lorentz and Diffeormorphism Invariance. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Joao Magueijo Imperial College London

Talk numberPIRSA:12050074
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Conference


I show how the local Lorentz and/or diffeomorphism invariances may be broken by a varying c, softly or harshly, depending on taste. Regardless of the fundamental implications of such dramas, these  symmetry breakings may be of great practical use in cosmology. They may solve the horizon and flatness problems. A near scale-invariant spectrum of fluctuation may arise, even without inflation. Distinct imprints may be left, teaching us an important lesson: our foundations may be flimsier than we like to think.